As of a few minutes ago, I have officially completed NaNoWriMo 2011. Every last one of my 50,431 words have been verified, and can say with pride that I have successfully written a novel in one month.
NaNo is a funny thing you know. Because there are times when I wanted nothing to do with my novel and hated every single word I wrote, and then there were times when I loved the process and everything about it. As I think back on the month, honestly, I'm exhausted, mentally so I think, because even though what I wrote is not the next great american novel, I pushed through my writers block and made it happen. And I think that's what Nano taught me, is that accomplishing something like this huge scary project is very possible. And oh man does it feel good. I've never ever considered myself a good writer, and there are so many other people who write brilliant wonderful fucking things, and I could only dream to write the beautiful words they do, but I do love writing with all my heart, and this was a fun experience, in writing something, sticking with it, and making it happen.
Now, because I've already gotten sappy, I'd like to thank each of you for letting me bother you nearly one a day this month, and for not hating me for my entries clogging up my flist nearly every day. And even though they'll never see it, I'd like to thank my parents, who from even before day one, were surprisingly supportive and encouraging of this strange event. So much so, that even though it won't happen, when I was talking to them about this, my Dad was so intrigued, he said 'maybe i'll try it next year'. Way to go papa daisy!
I now, declare this a party post! Post pictures, gifs, videos, stories, jokes, whatever you've got. Let's celebrate! I'll start.
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Q: What looks like half a cat?
A: The other half!