Happy Friday to one and all. Since it's Friday, you probably know that it's time for five more questions from
thefridayfive 1. What are some hobbies that you would like to try, but haven't done so?
- Every year, well I guess for the past two years, after I've judged at the ice skating competition, I've said that I would like to learn how to ice skate. I'm a terrible roller skater, but I'd love to ice skate, if I could get someone to teach me, or get lessons or something.
2. Why did you not pursue these hobbies?
- No real reason quite honestly. Growing up, I was just "the dancer", and I didn't want to do anything else. Once I got into doing competitions, and traveling for competitions, it was probably harder for me to try a new hobby, because I didn't have any time to do anything else.
3. Do you often feel limited by your financial state with how you spend your free time?
- Not necessarily so. I don't have any activities that I want to do that are going to cost me hundreds, well..maybe traveling, but no I don't think so. I'm boring honestly, I don't go out a whole lot. Most often, I can pay for most of the things I get up to.
4. Do you hobbies play a major part of your life, or help you define who you are?
- Dancing is a major part of my life honestly. My love of writing, my love of traveling, both help define who I am i think.
5. Do you have any hobbies you have made income from?
-Sure, I get paid for teaching at the dance studio, but I don't teach enough classes to fully support myself. I have a credit card bill to pay, but the money from the dance studio does help me live.