God moving over the face of the water...
ever since i began visiting to the DC area some years ago, crossing the Susquehanna in Havre De Grace has always been amazing.
large bodies of water can be so hypnotic, so powerful and immense that they arouse fear, as if they could swallow you and all that you know in an instant. but at the same time i have come to find water so soothing and redemptive. it's something really spiritual, at least for me.
part of the reason taking the bus back and forth is so great, is because you're higher than pretty much everything else, and can see for miles on either side of you. i probably look like a little kid with my head on swivel while the bus crosses the bridge. it's become a part of the trip that's ingrained in me, if i'm asleep, i usually wake up a few miles before the bridge. and, apart from now, it's not something i often think of until then.
i guess this is particularly noteworthy, because this time my trip was just such a pain in the ass for me, a piece of added stress in the weekend that i could have done without. yet i Havre De Grace i happened to look up from my book, and i saw the bridge ahead, and crossing seemed to wash that feeling away. i have harbored such varied and abundant emotion on the trips I've taken between Philadelphia, and D.C. but crossing that river, is the same every time. it's like time stops and there i am staring at the river, and there it is staring back.
(click the pic to see the whole thing. it gets cut off by the template.)
photo: Catherine L. Rogers