
Oct 10, 2006 20:58

so..ive negelected this journal. a lot of shit has happened since i last wrote. umm....mike asked me out. now im avoiding him because i realized i dont like him and i dont wanna hurt his feelings. but ill save that for after. ok so on friday night i slept over bekkahs house. it was MAD FUN OMG. first i went over and we chilled. then we saw employee of the month. it was good. especially dane cook's in it and hes SO HOT. ha. so then we ordered pizza and ate at bekkahs place. then we chilled around and danced to music. then for like a full hour we took pics of ourselves and modeled. haha it was MAD FUN. ahh..then OMG. we got so bored. so bekkah ordered like...a 10 minute ab workout from ON DEMAND. omg it was so funny. i couldnt do any of the workouts or anything. hah i was cracking up. me and bekkah were lyin there trying to act like the gym ladies on the video. so then we went to bed. haha i woke up at 8:00. i was looking around and i glanced over at the grandfather clock cuz the numbers were big enough for me to see them without my glasses or contacts. and i see 8:00 and im like WTF. so i look over at bekkah and she is like..SOUND asleep. so then i was just lookin around cuz i thought everyone was asleep. and then tami like..came to bekkahs door and poked her head out and waved at me and i felt freaked like a weirdo stealth spy on the house. but then i ended up goin to sleep again till 10:00. then on saturday me and my mom went to target and i got ... umm...a shoes (wich im returning for cramped feet), and umm one more thing i forget. HAHA. so then on sunday i went to rehearsal. but NO ONE came. so seriously all we did was sing our solo songs and leave. so then i called my dad to shop for mimi essentials. we went to the garment district. haha. OMG THAT STORE IS BOMB! it has the coolest stuff. i would def shop there for stuff other than halloween. talk about dif. thats what i aim for. dont fit in. thats the garment district all right! so i found these AWESOME boots that all i need to do is make them giraffe or leopard to be mimi-ish. whatever's easier. umm..then we went to target and i got an itunes card. WOO. i needed music. haha. uhhh....oh yea monday. me and tay went to the mall. OMG CRAZY DAY!! ok so. we got there and we went in spencers and hot topic for halloween stuff (i got fishnets to rip for mimi). omg i love those stores around halloween. they are BOMB. haha. so then we were hangin out. i got some stuff in claires. thats pretty much it. so then we were walkin down near macy's and this guy jumps out from this like...nail salon push cart thingy and hes liek GIRLS GIRLS COME HERE! LET ME SEE UR NAILS! so me and tay started laughing but we did anyway. so hes like TSK TSK BITTEN CUTICLES. so hes like dabbing this lotion on our cuticles. and then he like..grabbed my hand and brought me over to the cart and took out a buffer and hes like shaving my nail off. so then hes like covering my nail and he goes OK I KNOW UR A GIRL BUT TRY TO CONTAIN UR EMOTIONS WHEN U SEE UR NAIL! and it was so cool tho it was all shiny and awesome like i painted it with clear polish! it feelt like that too! and then hes like OK THAT WILL STAY LIKE THAT FOR ONE MONTH! USE THIS BUFFER ONCE A MONTH! so then he takes out this lotion and hes liek OKOK WHAT SCENT-LAVENDER, PEACH, OR LEMON? and tays like LAVENDER. so then he squirts it in our hands and hes like YEA GREAT FOR AFTER SHAVING UR LEGS THATS WHAT I USE THIS FOR...JK JK! YEA BUT GREAT FOR LADIES FOR WAXING! and it was SO FUNNY. and then he sliek THIS KIT..! NOT 60 DOLLARS! FOR U...ITS 29.99!! the hes like ARE U GIRLS IN COLLEGE? and were liek HIGH SCHOOL. and hes liek AHH HIGH SHOOL..SENIORS? and were liek SOPHOMORES. and he like AAHH OLD LOOKING FOR UR AGES!! and then we are like..UMM..and hes like WHAT SCENT DO U WANT?? and he let us smell them and tays like PEACH and hes like AHH PEACH SEXY SCENT FOR SEXY SUMMER..SEXY PEOPLE! and hes like YES YES. and then tays like I ONLY HAVE 2 DOLLARS! so hes like FOR TWO DOLLARS I CAN GET U THE SECOND BEST PRODUCT I HAVE HERE! A COTTON BALL! TAKE THIS AND RUB IT ALL OVER UR BODY IN THE SHOWER AND IT TAKES OFF ALL THE DEAD SKIN! omg it was SO FUNNY! so then we left and i got an ice cream but tay wanted one from the machine but it ate her money. so then we went to the other machine and she got a soda. so she takes the soda and we are walking thru sears and it explodes all over the floor and theres a trail of grape soda on the floor in sears and im cracking up and tays like THIS DAY IS SO MESSED UP! haha that made me crack up even more. ahh and then today was ugly school. i have three tests tomorrow. and i am failing everything ! and tomorrow is progress reports so..yea. GROUNDATION STATION in my house tomorrow!

nail guy at mall, bekkah, tay, weekend

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