Apr 02, 2011 03:01
- 00:22:56: RT @BTSjunkie: "Never do an action adventure film then go to France and drink because they like to hit women." #huh #TheWingsHauserExper ...
- 00:24:44: Best Q&A ever! Wings Hauser is amazing. Really excited for Rubber, my favorite of Fantastic Fest 2010.
- 02:40:19: I love this film with all my heart. (watching Rubber (2011) via @gomiso) http://miso.io/gbUw0l
- 02:41:11: Rented on iTunes! (watching Hobo with a Shotgun via @gomiso) http://miso.io/fLR8Vy
- 11:47:38: @ oizo3000 I'm really curious about the genesis of Rubber. What was the first image or scene you came up with in it?
- 11:50:14: Had same problem with THE MATRIX & The Reflex! RT@ HQ10 Every time I hear the title INSIDIOUS, Duran Duran song Notorious pops into my head.
- 11:54:32: Thanks for the heads up! Just bought one. @ jneece Need. Want. Must. Have. http://bit.ly/gKlkZa
- 11:59:09: Oh no! RT @ tweetrenee After a long month we've decided to shut down Robo Roku. Thanks for all your support.
- 11:59:58: I remember the year Opposite Day fell on April 1st. I was so confused.
- 12:00:44: @ scottEweinberg Wasn't my experience at my apartment complex at all. And I never *once* forgot to collect my dog's poop.
- 12:06:05: @ scottEweinberg Well people there are assholes.
- 12:14:17: RT @Nickrob: April Fools Day is a great day for hipsters: it's a day of enjoying things earnestly and accepting others' differing tastes.
- 12:25:06: @ VivaChiba @Accordion27 Nope.
- 12:27:18: RT @outlawvern: I've read too many of these shallow "Sucker Punch is sexist" essays. My eyes can no longer recognize the word "empowerment."
- 13:28:52: Well you see, it comes after March on the calendar. @ woodelijah Happy April Fools y'all. How is it April already?
- 13:30:57: April Fool's Day is a good time to tell people you love how you sincerely feel about them. If it starts to get awkward you have an easy out.
- 13:39:35: Most plausible Brokeback Mountain theory yet. RT@ gholson Strange typecasting: Jake Gyllenhaal as displaced traveler of alternate timelines.
- 14:22:30: Four months is long enough to train for a Triathlon, right? Anybody want to join me? http://goo.gl/6mv4j
- 14:39:03: @ flabbyironman Just registered so it's not full. No backing out now!
- 14:40:24: So I registered for a triathlon after purchasing $40 worth of Mangia for $20 on Living Social. I find that strangely appropriate.
- 14:47:55: @ flabbyironman Awesome. Let's do it!
- 14:51:56: @ tweetrenee How do I know THIS ONE isn't the April Fools tweet?
- 15:02:15: RT @badassdigest: Maybe You Shouldn't Watch These Two Great Clips From The Brilliant ATTACK THE BLOCK - http://bit.ly/ev4vOC
- 15:03:48: @ tweetrenee Hah. Good one. I did a prank too. I registered myself for a triathlon! Can't wait to see the look on my face once I find out!
- 16:13:35: RT @foxsearchlight: We were going to start a THE TREE OF LIFE prank for #aprilfools, but at this point, that would just be cruel. #dontb ...
- 17:17:02: @ ApexEndurance 500m swim, 13.8 mi bike, 3 mi run
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