Mar 31, 2011 03:01
- 12:46:25: @ qloriaisfake I just realized what happens a while back and realized a lot of my friends didn't know. Just want to help.
- 12:49:11: @ qloriaisfake I thought so, I just didn't want this to turn into a whale/weinberg style twitter feud ;)
- 12:56:06: @ devincf People are surprised you haven't seen every movie ever made. Mostly fair game to make fun of a film based on it's trailer, though.
- 12:57:24: @ ChaseWhale @scottEweinberg When you two fight, we all lose!
- 13:00:22: @ ChaseWhale @scotteweinberg Oh, it's fine. Glad you guys resolved it. These things happen.
- 13:02:05: Someone add subtitles to Twin Talk viral video! Looks like they're talking about Black Swan to me! Could be new Downfall/Hitler template...
- 17:56:35: RT @fantasticfest: IT IS YOUR DUTY AS AN AMERICAN TO WATCH RUBBER - #fantasticfest
- 17:58:53: @ scottEweinberg Dude, I LOVE Crazy People. My brother still quote it all the time.
- 18:03:01: Would any of my dog owning friends like a retractable leash and/or foldup steps (helps them reach tall beds)? #lostdogindivorce
- 20:52:24: RT @EricVespe: Does anybody else think the Total Recall movie would be more interesting if Colin Farrell was playing the bad guy and Cra ...
- 21:20:38: @ scottEweinberg Dedinitely a horror film, but deceptively so.
- 22:19:51: Woo Karaoke!
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