(no subject)

Jul 19, 2006 16:40

sooo id like to take a moment out of my rediculously busy life to write a small entry about whats been pissing me off lately. i love all of my friends soooo much, they really mean the world to me. the fact that work is taking over my life and i barely have time to see any of my family/friends is really stressing me out. what hurts a bit more is the fact that sometimes i feel that my friends think that its personal or something. that couldnt be more far from the truth. its really hard to divide my time down to the minute of how im going to plan out my day/week to try to make everyone happy, and it seems that as hard as i try, someones always upset. my moms been bitching because she says that the only time she sees me is when im passed out on the couch or in my bed. my friends are constantly asking to hang out and id really really love to, but i always end up saying no because i ethither have work that day, or the next, forcing me to stay home or be home early. idk if anyone really knows how i feel......sometimes i think some of my friends think that im just making up excuses and using work as an excuse to get out of hanging out with them. it kind of hurts because im not like that and id never do anything like that. my friends are my world and i love them dearly. im sorry that im not very good at dividing up my time and that all i do is work. im sorry im a let down......
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