Random thoughts out loud.....
old habits die hard.
tonight a part of me died.
but also a part was born.
i have the best friends god could have ever given me.
they tell me the truth. the whole truth. nothing but the truth.
tonight i learned that the truth hurts.
not like "i fell off my bike and scraped my knee" hurts....but more like
"i fell off cloud 9 and scraped my heart" hurts.
there is no blood...and your mom cant give you a bandaid for this kind of hurt.
but its there, and it cant be ignored, as much as you try.
but thats ok. because ill be ok.
the truth:
tonight i fell off of cloud 9. and i hit 8,7,6,5,4,3,2, and of course 1 on my way down.
i think in the process of falling i broke my legs, for it feels like i
cant even stand. i think i broke my heart as well. or actually it was
broken by someone else. that someone is the same personwho let me fall.
i forgive that person though. because i know its not an easy job
holding someone like me up. so i understand now that i couldnt stay in
the clouds forever, because thats not where i was ment to be there in
the first place.
one friend comes running with some bandaids and tape, and the other one
comes with crutches. they work together to tape up my legs..and then
proceed to do the same with my heart. the bandaids and tape dont do
much for my heart, but they stabalize my legs enough to make me want to
stand. then one friend hands me the crutches.....i throw them aside. i
take each friend, one under each arm, and i stand. standing hurts, but
at least im not alone. "Cloud 9 is nice, but its overrated," i say with
a smile. "I had a pretty good fall...this one was a biggie. but Im up
now, and Im walking again." "thanks for the bandaids and tape," i say
to each of them. "thanks for helping me walk again."
i like it when the truth hurts alot.....lets me know that im actually living.