just a reminder...
Vote Democrat, Vote Republican, Vote Libertarian, Vote Green, Vote Socialist, Vote Communist, Vote for a candidate, Vote against a candidate, write in a Vote, Vote to cancel out my Vote, Vote to cancel out the canceling out of my vote, Vote to be a nonconformist, Vote because all the cool people are doing it, please Vote, pretty please with sugar and sprinkles and a cherry on top Vote, VOTE VOTE VOTE.
If you don't know where to vote today try these websites:
http://vote411.org/pollfinder.php http://maps.google.com/maps/mpl?moduleurl=http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/mapplets/elections/2008/us-voter-info/us-voter-info.xml&utm_campaign=en&utm_medium=mapshpp&utm_source=en-mapshpp-na-us-mp&utm_term=voterinfo and in AZ
http://www.azsos.gov/election/polling_places.htm P.S. I got a sticker for voting today,and I hear that Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, and Ben and Jerry's are giving free stuff away to those people who have voted. So go vote.