So I've had an interest in these virtual worlds online for a while now. I figure it's pretty cool to make a little avatar of yourself and walk around a 3D environment, meeting new people and networking. And hell, there are guys on Second Life who make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by selling virtual property and the like. So hey, I thought, why not give it a go?
According to some article on, a new site called
Kaneva is starting to make waves and has gained 800,000 users since it opened its doors in March of this year. I figured why not try one of the new kids on the block? It's free to register, after all.
Well, registration and downloading the necessary software was a doddle. But then I tried to log in. It began downloading the virtual world updates. Fair enough, I thought.
Thirty minutes later, it was still downloading the virtual world updates. Now my laptop may not be top of the line, but it's new, and I have a pretty fast internet connection. So I had to wonder just how fucking big this update was, that it took over half an hour to download.
It finally finished, and then it had to process the new information! Thankfully that took a much shorter amount of time. Finally, the main screen itself opened up.
It was blank. And it stayed blank. Also, my mouse pointer disappeared, and my computer had ground almost to a halt. So I closed everything, including the Kaneva window (just to rub it in, I saw the virtual world for a split second.) Then I uninstalled Kaneva.
Now I do realise the software is currently in its Beta stage, but really, how has this website got 800,000 members? I imagine 790,000 are, like me, people who tried it once and quit when it slowed their computer down to the speed of an arthritic snail, and the other 10,000 just don't know when to give up.
So in summation, Kaneva sucks balls, and I feel slightly better.