Jan 14, 2010 15:10
My new years resolutions are usually pretty open ended and ambiguous, and this year is no different. I've been doing a lot of thinking about it though, and this time, I feel like I can fully articulate it. My new years resolution is to Love Boldly, to love without fear. Just love the whole Glorious calamity that is life, the parts that aren't perfect, the times when things don't go right, because there is beauty in everything. Love it because what else is there? Love it because life itself is a gift and a miracle (I've got legs that walk and lungs that breath and five senses and thumbs) and death is a release and part of living. Love it because there's no knowing what this is or why I'm here. Love whether or not you or the world love me back, because that's not the point is it?. Be open to everything, palms up, vulnerable, because staying safe behind a brick wall or hard outer shell isn't worth the time.
I love you. I'm ready for some adventure.