Nov 09, 2008 16:36
Also con number 26. Also also at Annapolis. Also also also probably the last con I will ever attend at Annapolis, which is a strange thing to think because I think I've been to more cons at Annapolis than at any other one church.
It's weird, having been to so many cons in one place, spread over the past three and a half years. There are so many things that are the same, and so many things that aren't the same at all. So many people not there. SO many people that are there, and though the community is comprised of different people now-to someone from the outside it would probably look the same as it always has. But it feels different, when you're on the inside. The people aren't the same. Throughout the entire weekend, wherever I went I just kept running into ghosts, of fond memories or not so fond memories, of people I miss terribly, of how much I've changed, of how much some of my experiences in that place have changed me- and I kept bringing up events from one, two, three years ago- only no one else cared all that much-either because they weren't there, or they were too busy doing what I should have been doing, living in the present. It's not often though that you have an annual event like that to which you can hold up to and compare the changes in your life.
It was a weird weekend. When I say that, I was a crap load of fun, like cons always are, but everything is just so different. And it's hard to explain (I keep trying to work it out in my head) how exactly I felt disconnected at this con-all I know is it has something to do with who I'm friends with, and not close friends with, and wishing it could just be OWLCon last year again, because somehow I had so many more friends there. It's weird because the last two cons, there was scarcely anyone I didn't feel comfortable around, yet this time all of a sudden I became shy again. I dunno why.
There was an accessively silly game of silent football saturday night, which made me all kinds of happy because I taught some newbies how to play, and they seemed to have fun, and for the most part caught on pretty quick.
Oh yeah, and Wink is suspended at DYSC cons. I wasn't at the meeting, and couldn't do anything about it. That knowledge put a serious damper on my weekend. That, and I couldn't talk half the weekend because my voice died, was ferried to the underworld by Charon, realized it wasn't Greek, came miraculously back to life, and promptly died again. I still can't talk. Yummmmmm tea.