Oh hai from Bora! (WARNING! Lolspeak entree)

May 25, 2008 10:33

Hallo! I iz sittin by teh porch here in frunt of teh beach, nyse heer fur srs.ö oh btw im using my mom's phone to lj so lewls ö
oooh bora iz purrty liek omgwtfbbq!!!1!1!!!!one!!! I wnat to stayz hur fur srs lewls, and teh nom iz goo0oood XD and teh weadur iz luveley hihi (deez iz to envyz all yoo maniluns, me heerz teh weadurz nat g0od lewls)
Anyway laturz, gotta nom hawaiian omgwtfBBQ! Kthxbai~


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