A Loom-y Break

Jul 02, 2011 10:21

This morning started, the very same way most mornings do.
I woke up quite early. Today, it was too early. It was one of those mornings, where I woke up, before the sun made an appearance. And, try as I might, going back to sleep was NOT in the cards, for Yours Truly. So, I did the next best thing. I watched some good, quality TV. Home shopping channels, anybody? After about an hour, or so, of that, I decided to make my way to the kitchen, and brew a pot of coffee. As it brewed, I watched some more TV. Well...I didn't so much watch it, as I flipped randomly from channel, to channel.
The coffee machine beeped, and I got myself a cup, of hot goodness. The TV went off, the Drew Emborsky gloves went on, and out, came the Winter Jewels Afghan.
Two more rows worked. And, I am getting dangerously close, to running out, of hunter green yarn. I see a trip, to JoAnn's, in the near future. (I should say here...My sweetie and I, are trying to work things out, still. I'm still not sure, if, come Christmas, I will be giving this afghan away, as planned. And now, when I work it, I don't think of giving it away. I just think, about the process of making it. It is no longer a project, that is being worked, with the intention, of presenting it to ANYONE! Sad as it may seem, at this point, I am tending to think that this afghan may, very well, be MINE, when it is finished.)
Anyway...After the two rows were worked, I put the afghan away, had another cup of coffee, and hopped on the computer.
First cyber stop...School. Though my second course doesn't begin until next Tuesday, I am choosing to get an early start. Three pages of Chapter 1, of the text...DONE!
After my school time, I made my way to my blog. And here I am, writing yet another entry.
So, yesterday...
Well, after writing my post, for the day, I had a breakfast, of waffles, with fried eggs, and then, I made my way, back to the computer. And, I couldn't help myself. I REALLY couldn't
I bought a cool crochet hook, for myself. I mean, the way I figure it...I deserve it. These past few weeks have been an absolute NIGHTMARE, for me. And, my motto...When life gives you lemons, screw making lemonade. It is time to go out, and buy yourself something nice. Because, let's be real...Shopping is therapeutic. Buying things, makes people HAPPY!  (And, lemonade has NEVER really been a favorite, of mine, anyway!)
My original thought, was to buy that super cute crochet hook, with the little sheep, coming out of the pumpkin. I mean, it is such a nifty little hook. And, even looking at it, yesterday, I ABSOLUTELY loved it. But, no. That hook was not the one I purchased. Why? Well...That particular hook, has made its way, to my wishlist. And, while I do not (in any way) expect anyone to go rush, and get it, for me, I feel that if I were to buy it, for myself...I don't know. It would remove the (possibly unrealistic) hope, that someone, somewhere down the line, will see my wishlist, and decide to get me this, as a WONDERFUL gift. My idea is this. If an item makes it, to my wishlist, well...It is something that I will NOT buy, for myself. After all, it is almost more fun, to wish for certain things, instead of going out, and getting them, for yourself.
The hook I got yesterday, is a wood hook. Size H. It is maple, and spliced timbers. And, the picture of it, was absolutely wonderful. This is ONE NICE HOOK! I cannot wait, to get it, in the mail. I know it may seem dorky, but I think that using this wood hook, will make working on the remainder of the Cross Stitch & Picot Afghan, that much more enjoyable.
So, yesterday, I took a break, from the Bliss Baby Blanket. I took it, and hid it, in the TV cabinet. I did not event want to so much, as look at it, yesterday. And, all my other looms...Well, I made them disappear, too. Yesterday was a loom-free day.
Goodbye looms. Hello, afghans.
After making sure that I would not see a single loom, I hid in my room, and started working on the Cross Stitch & Picot Afghan. Now...Before we go any further. Yesterday, I realized that I was doing the picots, COMPLETELY wrong. My bad! And normally, this realization, would have completely PISSED me off. But, you know what...I'm ok, with it. And, better yet, there is NO need to frog it, and start over again. My screw up, is one of those rare happy mistakes. Even though the picot is entirely wrong, according to the pattern, the way I have done it WORKS! And, not only does it work...It looks completely beautiful! So, there you have it. Sometimes mistakes, can make a project even better.
And, I immediately changed my train of thought. I went, from thinking 'I screwed up', to thinking 'I added my own little twist, which makes the afghan, even better!'
I managed to work 3 rows, before deciding to move on, to the next project.
Back to the Winter Jewels Afghan.
Normally, this is a MORNING ONLY, sort of project. But, yesterday (just like all the other afghans), it got a little extra attention. Four rows, of extra attention, to be exact.
After this, I went outside, for a walk. I didn't stay outside that long. I had plans, on walking the property, but when I saw the snake, about 20 feet away, from the house, well...I made a quick turn, and ran (or, at least, my version of running...With a walker.) back into the house. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the end, of Michael's great outdoor experience, yesterday.
A beer. Then, a nap. (In my opinion, Summer only has ONE good aspect. Come Summer, napping is actually encouraged, in the Leach house. And, who am I, to question that?)
I woke up, goofed around online, for a bit. (I am sorry. But, online Family Feud, can be quite entertaining.) TV time...then a bath.
Then, I worked on my multicolored Bow Knot Afghan, adding two more rows to it.
Dinner time.
And, as is typical with Summer, by 8 pm, I was EXHAUSTED! The heat of the day, had WIPED me out, completely.
And, there was still the matter, of my sister's birthday blanket.
Now, at first, I had the idea to just GO TO BED! Just forget working the row, and climb into my comfy bed, and doze off. 
But, I could not do this. Even though sleep sounded like the BEST idea ever, I knew what would happen. I would go to my room, and climb up on my bed. And, I would not be able to get to sleep...No matter how tired I may be. I would hear the birthday blanket, calling out to me. It would ask me, why I abandoned it, for the day. And, then, I would feel bad.
So, tired as I was, I pulled out the birthday blanket. And, I worked the row, for the day. It was a struggle, to keep my eyes opened, long enough for me to work it. I could feel myself, shutting down, for the day. (Funny. If I went to bed, without working this row, I would not have been able, to get to sleep. But, as I sat there, working it, I could barely manage to stay awake. Go figure!)
It took me a very long time, but eventually, the row was finished. And, I went to bed, where I did not hear a single project calling out, to me. Not even the Bliss Baby Blanket (which was surprising.)
And, what an awesome sleep, I had.
As for today...
After breakfast, I will pull the Bliss Baby Blanket out. And, I will work, work, work. Hopefully, after spending a day, in TIME-OUT, this project will not be such a royal pain in the ass. We shall see.
I also plan on working the row, for the birthday blanket, before I take a bath. I do not want to work another row, as tired as I was, last night.
That is it, for today.
More to come, tomorrow.
Happy looming, and crocheting.

timespan, loom, part 2, memoir, pattern, recovery, yarn, blog, book, timeline, workbook, walk, crochet, yarnie, afghan, timeframe, project, loom knit, deadline

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