Therapy, Yarn, & College

Jun 28, 2011 09:32

This morning...Same routine.
My dog decided that I should get up, as the the first rays of sunlight came out. He made the bed, into his own jungle gym. I became a trampoline, and when that didn't work, he resorted to whole hair-licking thing. I pulled the blanket over my head, thinking that would be the end of it. Boy, was I wrong. My dog resorted to a very bold move. The first two attempts, at getting me up, had failed horribly. Therefore, drastic measures were called for. I was either to get up, or I was to die.
My dog chose to lay across my neck. And while a small dog, he is fat, fat, fat. I could feel my larynx, as it started to fold under the weight, of my horrible little pooch.
I took him, removed him from my neck, took a deep breath, and got out of bed.
Once again, the little bastard dog wins. There is no sleep, for Michael.
The morning had started. Coffee was made. The Winter Jewels Afghan, was pulled out. And, my ass found its way, to the blue recliner.
Another 2 rows, have been knocked out. Out of all the rows, the Winter Jewels Afghan has, the row that is the most difficult for me, is the one following the clusters. This row consists of more directions, than any other two rows, combined. And it is confusing. This row is, quite possibly, the only problem that I have, with this afghan. It is just not a friendly row, to work.
But...What can I say? Every project is bound to have that one little part, that you absolutely cannot stand.
After the two rows were worked, I stuffed the afghan back into the TV cabinet, and made my way (with my second cup of coffee) to the computer.
Here we are...Week 5, of my first class, started today. And, on the first day, I have WIPED out, all but one of the assignments. I have taken the quiz (another PERFECT grade)! All that stands between me, and the successful ending of this first class, in one measly writing assignment. I will, sometime within the next few days, head to the library, to do this last assignment. And, then I am done! Next Tuesday, I enter into my second course (PSY 202). And, I am totally excited! (Another plus...I only have ONE math class, to take, between now, and graduation. Math and I, are not exactly the best of friends, and so I am sure that this single course, of 5 weeks, will be MORE THAN ENOUGH!)
My expected graduation date is September 8, 2014. It seems like a lifetime. The funny thing is, when I look at the schedule I have, it seems so small. 2014...I have quite a road, ahead of me. But, I already am one course closer, to that date. And, I have this HUGE motivational tool, that I think will keep me on target.
Ashford University, is located in Clinton Iowa. And, come the date of my graduation, I will be at the brick and mortar campus. I will be wearing a gown, and one of those funny hats. And, I will WALK, up to that podium. (For my high school graduation, my walking was so bad, that I almost fell 4 times. Come my 2014 graduation, I plan to walk, with one cane, at most. That is a huge goal to have!)
Ok. Moving on...
Well, first and foremost, I can say one thing. IT WAS MISERABLY HOT! (It was one of those days, where I looked at all the leather furniture, and completely HATED it. Leather, on a hot day...Not the best thing.) I chose to work, on my cool, cloth covered chaise.
6 more rows of the Cross Stitch & Picot Afghan, have been completed.  This afghan, while so much fun, is one of those afghans that just seems to take FOREVER, to make. Half double crochets, and picots, make the most of it. (The only time a dc is used, is for the cross stitch.) Hdc's...Well, they are just so small, to me. And, they are almost awkward, to work. At least, for me. Every hdc I work, I have to remind myself, that I am, in fact, working an hdc. Something about  yarning over, makes me want to do a double crochet. Then, you run into the picot stitch. Well, this seems to take forever, and a day. It seems like one row, of picot, lasts for an eternity.
But, even though it is a slow going project, I AM LOVING IT! Every time I work on it, I think of Aunt B. I look at the variegated row, located toward the beginning of the project, and I am filled with all of these happy memories. And, with every stitch, I know my mother is going to absolutely flip, when she gets it. So, that makes the whole process even better.
After working the 5 rows, I came to the computer, where I worked on school stuff. I read chapter 5. And, I did all of the work.
Then, a bath.
Now, I wish I could say, that I worked a row on the sister's birthday blanket. But, that would be a lie. That particular project, just sort of fell into the background, yesterday.
And, in a move (that was probably not all that smart), I went to my room, in the early evening, and shuffled around, in a craft bag, until I found my blue loom.  Why I did this, I am not sure. I mean, I do have the Bliss Baby Blanket, in the works. If I want to loom knit ANYTHING, it should be that.
Instead, with the blue loom, and some Bernat Boucle, I made my way to the chaise, and I started yet ANOTHER project. (I swear...What is WRONG with me?) On the plus side, it is a project, that I have to work anyway. It is found, on my profile page, and so, I am not adding anything extra.
Last night, I started working on the second pair, of socks.
One again (lucky me)...The chain cast on. Once again, I fought, to get this loom cast on. Once again, I was a very 'verbal' individual. Once again, I had that desire, to take the loom outside, and DESTROY it. And, once again, it took a RIDICULOUSLY long time, to get this loom, ready to use. CHAIN CAST ON METHOD...I HATE YOU, IN EVERY SINGLE WAY THAT ONE CAN HATE ANYTHING!!!
So, as I started this sock, I realized that the Boucle yarn, is the PERFECT yarn, for a sock. Soft...a great texture. And, completely awesome, in the way it looks.
I worked on this sock, until 10, when I called it an evening.
As for today...
After writing this, I will have a quick breakfast. Then, I must go get ready. I have THERAPY today. Yes...I will take one of the many projects, that I am currently working on. And, all I can say, is I hope that little miss WORD VOMIT, is not there today. I do not want to have to defend working with yarn.
Then, home. Probably some garden time.
Well...That is it, for today. Time for me to go. Lots to do.
Happy looming, and crocheting.

timespan, college, 8 months, loom, part 2, school, memoir, pattern, yarn, blog, student, book, timeline, workbook, crochet, yarnie, 2 years, timeframe, university, project, loom knit, deadline, 3 methods

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