The Joy Of Yarn

Jun 23, 2011 21:01

This morning, I woke up at 5am. And, I could not get back to sleep. Between my dog, licking my face (I am sure he has some sort of internal clock. He wakes up, just minutes before I do, to aggravate me, as soon as I open my eyes. I am sure of it.), and the knowledge that I had yarn to work with, there was no possible way that I could drift off, even for a few extra minutes. So, I climbed out of bed, started a pot of coffee, collected the Winter Jewels Afghan, from its hiding place, and found my way to the blue recliner. On, went the Drew Emborsky stress-relieving gloves. Out, came the clay-handled crochet hook. And, I got my yarn day started.
Before I go any further here, I would like to ask if there is a way, that you might be able to help me.
As we all know, the Cross Stitch & Picot Afghan, I am making for my mother, has 'special' memories, connected to it. The variegated strip, worked using yarn, purchased to make Aunt B. a blanket. And, a flower, crocheted, using the same yarn.
My mom talks about Aunt B. almost every day. She says that she not only lost a sister, but she also lost her best friend. (And, as I sit here, writing this out, I am bawling. Because, truth be told, Aunt B. wasn't just an aunt. She was a very good friend of mine, too. And, I do miss her, very much!)( that I have wiped away the tears, and can see the computer screen clearly, I will continue to type.) I was wondering if any of you know where I could find patterns for squares, with letters, in them. One thing I would DESPERATELY love to do, is add my Aunt B's name, to the edge, of the Cross Stitch & Picot Afghan.
The thought first came to me, last night. And, I had a dream, about doing it. This morning, as I worked on my sweetheart's afghan, I decided that it is something, that I REALLY want to do. will be an addition to this afghan that, at first, will bring tears. But, this afghan will already do that...What, with the strip, of variegated yarn, and the flower. But, I HONESTLY believe that, if I could find a way, to crochet the name 'BETTY', into this piece, it would make it that much more special, for my mom. If I could find a way, to add this name...Well. Then, this afghan would really be a GREAT memory blanket. Wouldn't it?
So, if any of you know of a way that I could do this, please...Let me know.  Nothing would make me happier, as I continue, with this project.
Ok...Moving on.
This morning, as I already have stated, started off, with me, and the Winter Jewels Afghan.
I am happy to say that I have now OFFICIALLY used all of the colors, that will make up this afghan. And, to me, this seem so cool. I mean, I knew the colors went well together, when I bought the skeins. But, seeing all the colors, play out in this afghan. It is really beautiful. I love it.
In the course of one hour, I got three rows worked. How cool is that? Then, the Winter Jewels Afghan, went back into hiding.
And this morning, I started out, by beating myself up. There I sat, crocheting away, and I was giving myself a very good MENTAL kick in the butt. Yesterday, I did not get around to the Bliss Baby Blanket, at all. I know, I know. BAD MICHAEL!
But, then, I stopped beating myself up, over it. And not only, did I decide, that it was ok that I abandoned the Bliss Baby Blanket yesterday. I decided that I will not work on it, for the rest of the week.
I mean, this is PRIME time for me, to work on the afghans. My mom is gone, so that gives uninterrupted time, to work on hers. And, my sweetie doesn't wake up, all that early. So, I have a good deal, of morning time, to work the Winter Jewels Afghan. And, on top of that, my sweetie has quite a few Moose trips, lined up. So, more time.
I will go back to working on the Bliss Baby Blanket, next week. But for now, I have the time to work the afghans. AND, I WILL USE IT WISELY!
Yesterday, I worked (pretty much NON-STOP), on the  Cross-Stitch & Picot afghan. It is coming along beautifully, and I am still finding that I think of my Aunt B, as I work it. And, I swear, as I am working it, I am doing so, with extreme love. There is nothing but joy, as I work it.
My sweetie went to the Moose, at about 5. I got a few rows, done on the Winter Jewels Afghan. 
And then, before it got too dark, I worked on my sister's afghan.
And, that was it.
Unfortunately, I am overcome with emotion, at this time. I am thinking about, and have a great desire, to go work my mom's afghan. So, I will end this entry now. Tomorrow, I will write a full entry. I promise.
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