Two Days Until...

Jun 07, 2011 09:04

Last night, was a COMPLETELY horrible night, where I tossed and turned, all night long. My legs would just not settle down. They kept jerking, and kicking. And, every time this happened, I would feel this weakening type of pain, that just made me want to cry out. And, on top of the pain, my sweetie-pie was secretly plotting, to make my night MISERABLE, too. I am sure of it. First. The ceiling fan, right over our bed, gets turned on. Then, at about midnight (give or take, a few minutes), before my sweetheart FINALLY climbs into bed, the back door, to our room, gets opened up, allowing the coolness of the night-time sky, to drift, into the room. And, the window, at the foot of the bed, is also opened, just a smidge.
I should say here, that my sweetie ALWAYS does this! Let's wait, until Michael goes to bed, and then...when he is friggin out, like a light, I will go in, and allow the room, to become a friggin freezer! It is a conspiracy, I tell you. A CHILLY conspiracy.
Well, to make matters worse, at just after 4 am, the blankets are completely RIPPED, off of me. My sweetie-pie, who decided that our bedroom should be cold enough, for ice to form, had decided that it was too cold, for comfort, after all. And, rather than get up, and turn off the fan, close the door, and the window, guess what happened? Yup! My sweetie just stole the blankets from me, and became a big old bundle of warmth, while I nearly froze to death, because of all the cool air (none of which, was by my design).
Needless to say, I wasn't all that  upset, when my sweetie informed me, just minutes ago, that my jerking leg, had successfully delivered a few good kicks, throughout the night. In fact, horrible as it may be, part of me thought to myself: 'Good! I hope it made you FRIGGIN uncomfortable!!!''
Yet, the funny thing, is this.
You would think that, after a night of physical pain, and near hypothermia, I would have woken up this morning, HATING everything! It would not be (at all) surprising, to hear that I cursed up a storm, while climbing out of bed, I am sure. In fact, I am a more than a little surprised, that I was not in the fowlest, of fowl moods, this morning. But, as I opened my eyes, and my dog licked my cheek, I smiled. Sure, I was chilly as anything, and in horrible pain. But, I was happy.
Time to start another busy day, preparing for June 9.
I waited for the coffee pot to beep, so I could get my first cup. And, as I was waiting, I parked myself, in the blue recliner, with my yarn. Time to get a little early work in.
Fifteen minutes later, coffee was done. I got a cup, and made my way, to the computer.
I started off, by going to my student portal, where I immediately went about doing the one of the two discussions, for next week. (Damn, it feels good, to have a head start!)
Then, it was time to blog!
So, yesterday...
Well, I had fully anticipated, on staying home, all day yesterday. My plan was to work on one project, or another, throughout most of the day.
But, that plan changed.
I had finished working one small project, and immediately jumped into making another, when my mother informed me that she had to run an errand. And, if I would like, she could drop me off, at the mall.
I jumped at the opportunity.
It was just after 1pm, when I was told this. And, as I put my  yarn down, I realized that I was still in my PJ's.My hair was still in the form, of a rat's nest. So, I went to my closet, got myself dressed, ran a comb through my hair, and got myself ready, to go.
First thing I did, when I got to the mall...Well, I went into the store, where I purchased the gift that I will give myself, come June 9. After buying it, I had some time to kill, so I made my way to Lucille's, and I got my bread pudding. It was, just as I thought it would be, WONDERFUL!'
And, after leaving the restaurant, I was crossing a street, and I fell.
This fall, led to two horrible things. One) Physical pain. It was one of those awful falls, that twisted my ankle, weakened my knee, and even hurt my wrist. It was one of those falls, that will keep you on the ground, for a while. The pain of it, was so sharp, that I did not even dare, to immediately get back up. Rather, I just sat there, in an embarrassed, sweaty mess, on the ground. And, as I sat there, in pain, and embarrassment, there was a group of 7 teens, sitting outside of a frozen yogurt shop, nearby. And, apparently, they thought it was a riot. As soon as I landed on the ground, they started laughing, as though it were the FUNNIEST thing, they had ever seen. They laughed, and laughed, and laughed. And, on top of the laughter, a few of them began to point at me, and laugh even harder.
Then, as if it wasn't bad enough.
When I finally did get up, I had to walk right by this group, of horrible teens. "Keep cool," I silently told myself, as I got closer to them. "They are just a bunch, of idiot kids, who think it is funny, to see other people hurt."
As I passed them by, doing my very best, to hold my head high, one of them (a boy, with puffy black hair, and a crap-load, of facial piercings), looked right at me. 
"Damn loser! Learn to effing (not the word he used) walk!"
I passed by, as another roar of laughter, at my expense, exploded. And, even though I refused to let it show, I was hurt. I felt like just crying...Just breaking down, right then and there. And, in some way, I felt bad, for them. I mean, how friggin ignorant, can you really be? I did my best, to convince myself, that they were just a bunch of stupid teens, who apparently had been ill taught. But, in the end, it didn't matter.
I fell, and hurt myself, more than a little bit. And, on top of the physical pain, I got laughed at, which brought a completely different type of pain.
Feeling like hell, I came home.
Once I got home, I went to take a bath. And, it was then, as I sat in the hot water, that I finally cried. And, I felt stupid, doing it. I mean, I should be used to it. Or, I should be mature enough, to just not care. I should be more 'dude', and not let my emotions, take complete control of me. But, once I started crying over it, well...I didn't stop, for a very long time.
Eventually, the tears stopped, and I climbed out of my bath, looking much like a prune. I dried off, put on my PJ's, and looked at my gift, to myself. Then, just to be a huge dork, I wrapped it. Even though I already know what it is, I am choosing to treat it, like a full-out gift.
A gift, that I will get to open, on June 9.
I sat in the blue recliner, and watched TV, while working on finishing the project, started, earlier in the day. I finished it, realized I was tired, and went to bed.
As for today...
Well, I will staying home, and working (hopefully) multiple projects. And, as I work away, I will come up, with the final questions, for the quiz.
Well, that is it, for today. Time for me to go, and hit the yarn.
Happy looming!

mystery gifts, timespan, 8 months, loom, sadness, part 2, surgery, pattern, recovery, fall, anniversary, yarn, blog, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, 2 years, memoire, birthday, timeframe, laughter, project, loom knit, deadline, 3 methods, pain

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