Sock It To Me

May 19, 2011 09:34

So, good news, and bad news, when it comes to the socks.
Bad news...
I didn't finish them yesterday. I was actually really bothered about this. Perhaps TOO bothered. I felt like this HUGE failure, over not completing the socks, yesterday. And, as I went to bed, last night, I heard this little voice, sounding out in my head. This little voice, just kept repeating the same two words, over and over again.
"You flake...You flake...You flake...You flake..."
Now, it is true, that there was quite a bit going on yesterday. I had legitimate reasons, for being detained, from working with my yarn.
At about 1pm, my sweetie and I decided that we needed to get my mother out of the house. Due to certain circumstances (which I will not talk openly about, in respect of others), my mother has been on a rather hellish emotional roller-coaster. And, while getting her out of the house would not make the problem go away, it would help her, in letting her focus on something else...Something fun.
So, we decided to go to the Moose Lodge, for the afternoon.
Before leaving the house, I was half-way through making the toe, of the sock. I figured (foolishly) that we would get home, at about 5. I would take my bath, then pop on the computer. I would read all the posts, written by my blog buddies. And, I would take care of some final financial aid stuff, which I (once again, foolishly) thought would be a quick little thing.
Well, 5pm came and went. So did 6pm. By just after 7pm, we were FINALLY coming home.
As soon as we got home, I made my way to the computer. I decided to take care of the financial aid stuff, first. After all, how time consuming could it be?
Not only did it take WAY LONGER, than I thought it would. It was also EXTREMELY stressful. By the time I was FINALLY finished, it was well after 8pm. I was drenced in sweat (which happens, when I am COMPLETELY stressed!) And, I had the feeling, that if I looked at the computer screen, for just a minute longer, I was going to scream.
Time to take a bath. Now...At this point, I was still feeling pretty good, about finishing up the sock. 'Sure,' I thought, as I sank into warm water, and felt the stress melt away. 'I am so close to being done. It will be a snap!'
Just after 9pm, I am getting out of the bath. And, I am starved. So, I decide to do a (for me) late dinner. Along with this dinner...Beer!
It was after this beer, that I was able to say there was no FRIGGIN way, I was finishing the sock, last night.
Instead, I watched TV (with my sweetie, and mom), until I HAD to go to bed. And, as I went to bed, I took self-loathing with me.
'HOW LAME AM I?!' The thought raced through my brain, as I brushed my teeth. Part of me wanted to go to the chaise, for the fifteen (or so) minutes, that it would take. Just go, and FINISH THE DAMN SOCK! Then, I could go to bed, feeling good about myself.
But no...I went straight to bed. Without finishing the sock, I slowly drifted off to sleep., the bad news, is that I didn't finish the sock, last night.
The good news...
I woke up, at about half-past-six, this morning. I started a pot of coffee. And, as it brewed away, I parked it, on my chaise. I grabbed my loom, and I went at it.
And, just over fifteen minutes later, I had the sock, off of the loom, and hanging from knitting needles.
I allowed myself a break, for coffee. As I sipped my two mugs, I watched some TV. Then, I made my way, back to the chaise. And, I raced, through the grafting process.
I wish I could say, that the typical 'happy dance' that I always do, when finishing a project, was done this morning. But, no! There was no happy dance. There is still that NAGGING little voice, sounding in my head. "Yeah," the voice tells me. "You finished it. FINALLY! Good for you. But, you know what would have been better? IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER, IF YOU HAD JUST STUCK WITH IT, AND FINISHED IT LAST NIGHT!"
So, it is a bittersweet victory, for me. Another project, is done. I am happy about that. But, I can't help, but feel like a HUGE flake, because I couldn't manage to just stay awake 20 minutes longer last night, to finish it then.
Oh well!
So, without further delay, I present them to you. My first pair of Chunky Ribbed Socks.
Ok...So, another project down. Eight more remain.
As I finished the second sock, this morning, I decided that I am going to take a break, from sock-making. (While it was a quick project, and fun even...I don't want to burn myself out. I am afraid that if I work another pair of socks, right away, I will quickly come to find them, to be a tedious chore.)
Next up, on the loom...
Let us turn to page 121, in the book. That's right, guys and gals. It is time to tackle the striped scarf. (I will, most likely, make my second pair of socks, after I finish this scarf.)
Now then, this scarf is made, ENTIRELY in stockinette stitch. Its finished size is 72"x5". The directions, for this particular project, are rather brief. But, it seems pretty straightforward. I am sure that this project will be a delight, to work.
So...Good bye, socks. Scarf, here I come.
As far as the walking...
Yesterday, I walked around a little bit. And, it was another fall-free day, which is always exciting. I was even trying (my VERY hardest) to work my foot, to where I had that 'heel-to-toe' movement. Well...What can I say, about that? If I REALLY focus, on it, it is possible to do. Not easy, but POSSIBLE! And, it is EXHAUSTING! By the time I got in my bath, last night, I was dealing with a very sore lower back, and my legs felt as though they were on FRIGGIN fire!
I will, as already stated, start the scarf. When I am done, with this post, I will get dressed, have breakfast, then start my day with a lap or two, around the house. I will try to do the 'heel-to-toe' thing. Then, I hope to have a chance, to meditate in front of my porch garden. Then, it is off to loom.
My counselor will be calling, at some point today. We have a little bit more, to take care of, before I get started in my first class.
And, that is about it.
Time for me to go, and get my day started.
Happy looming, everyone.

college, 8 months, loom, part 2, surgery, memoir, pattern, recovery, yarn, book, timeline, workbook, walk, yarnie, 2 years, record, scarf, project, 3 methods, deadline, exercise, timespan, walking, socks, disappointment, educate, blog, loathe, student, education, timeframe, university, loom knit, pain

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