Setting The Path

May 17, 2011 09:57

This morning I woke up, just before 7am. I was even able to get a few minutes of loom time in, as the coffee was busy brewing away. I successfully managed to get 3 more rounds worked, while I waited for the 'BEEP!', that would let me know coffee was done. Then, when coffee was done, I put the loom down, with the promise that I would soon return, to looming away.
As I slowly enjoyed my 2 EXTREMELY large mugs of coffee, I parked myself in front of the TV. I watched a rerun...Harper's Island. (I personally think that this mini-series had everything going for it. It was a clever scary mystery. How can you not love that?)
Immediately after the episode was over, I took the final sip of coffee, then made my way to the office. And, here I am.
First things, first.
I am (BEYOND) happy to report that, come May 31, I will OFFICIALLY be working towards a better future. Yup! In just a few short days, I will start my first class, at Ashford University.
So...What is it, that I am working toward? Well, dearest readers, I am glad you asked. I will be going for my Bachelor's Degree, in Journalism, and Mass Communication. (It was a tough call. Part of me wanted to go to school, for Earth Science. But, what can I say...Journalism has ALWAYS held a special place, in my heart.)
Yesterday, I spent a good amount of time, on the phone. I was talking to my Counselor, who was getting me ready, and all set up. And, the whole friggin time I was on the phone, I was sweating up a storm. I was nervous, as all hell. I was beyond anxious. I still am. But, this is normal. Right? I mean, I think it is a good thing that I am having these feelings. If were not feeling these things, then I would almost have to question how serious I am, about this whole thing.
Nervous feelings are a good thing, right now!
Anyway...It was well after 2pm, when I finally got off of the phone yesterday. And, what is the first thing I do? Well...I go get a beer. Naturally.
Then, after the beer, I took a little jaunt outside. It was a nice cool day. Very breezy. This meant the chances of me, seeing a snake, were very slim.
2 fall-free laps later, I was exhausted. I made my way back into the house, where I collapsed, on my chaise. I took a look, at my craft bag, and said "Not now!" (Hey! Getting ready for school, and walking two fall-free laps, can sure take it out of you!) I knew I should just suck it up. Even as I verbally turned down the craft bag, I knew I should reach for it. I should get busy, on the yarn front.
Instead, I took a mini-nap, which lasted for roughly half an hour. Just enough, to give me energy, for the rest of the day.
Upon waking up, the first thing I did, was have a GIANT bowl, of ice cream. And, after the bowl was empty, I finally managed to find the time, to get involved, with my yarn.
First up, on the yarn front...The birthday blanket.
I started off, by taking the granny square, made the day before, and stitching it to the blanket-in-the-works. (You know, stitching pieces together, is PROBABLY the easiest thing, one could ever do, when it comes to yarn work. I mean, it is beyond basic. So, answer me this. Why is something that is so simple, as sitching a granny square, to a blanket, such a miserable pain in the ass? I mean, every single time, I have to stitch something together, I cringe at the mere thought of it. It is like the yarn version, of having a root canal. Though sometimes necessary, it is absolutely painful. And then, there is weaving in ends. Seriously! Weaving in ends, I am sure, it the deepest DARKEST point, of Yarn Hell! It is beyond toturous!)
After the whole PAINFUL experience, of adding this square, onto the blanket-in-the-works, I allowed myself another beer. (It is sad, when yarn leads you to drinking...Even if it is a LIGHT beer!)
I then went to my yarn cabinet. I fished around in a box, which has a paper label taped to it, that reads: 'Birthday Blanket Yarn.' I pulled out, a nearly brand-new skein, of green yarn, the shade of an apple. I made my way, out of my room, and back to the chaise. Time to work another granny square!
For whatever reason, working this particular square, was damn near impossible. I just do not understand what was going on, yesterday. My hands just DID NOT want to cooperate. I kept dropping my clay-handled hook. (Seriously, while working this one measly little granny square, I must have dropped the hook, at least 20 times!) And the yarn...Oh, the yarn!
It rebelled, in pretty much every way imaginable: Fraying, tangling, breaking in half, and knotting up. Yes! For whatever reason, the Yarn Gods decided to CURSE my time with the granny square.
"AT-FRIGGIN-LAST!" I shouted, when I finally finished the square. It is rather embarassing to admit this. But, that one little granny, so basic in her stitches, took me a FRIGGIN hour, and 23 minutes, to successfully complete. I mean, THAT IS JUST WRONG!
I set the square down, and went to take my evening bath. Here it was, after 6pm. And, I had not even TOUCHED my loom. Bad Michael! Worse still...I sank into the tub of hot water, & was pretty sure that, even if I did get the chance to loom knit, before going to bed, it would be such a small amount of work, that it would be embarassing to write about today.
I got out of the bath, put PJ's on, and FINALLY grabbed my empty blue loom, and the blue Berroco yarn.
"You have to do this, Michael!" I cheered myself on. Then, I thought about school. My classes are going to take up a fair amount of my time. I am going to have to get used, to working with my yarn, whenever I find the chance, to do so. No longer, will I have ALL DAY, to work with my yarn. I will have to make the best of it.
And so, with this knowledge that, in a few short days, my yarn time will be cut back CONSIDERABLY, I cast on to my loom, and got started.
9pm...I was EXHAUSTED! I was finding it to be IMPOSSIBLE, to keep my eyes open. I looked at my loom.
I thought I would get very little done, on the second sock, yesterday. Boy, was I wrong! I was completely AMAZED, to see that I had worked at least half of the leg, of the sock.
"You go, boy!" I whispered out tired congratulations, to myself, as I put the loom in my craft bag, and slowly made my way to my bed.
As for today...
Well, as I have already written out, I have so far worked a few more rounds, on the sock. Go me!
I will start work on yet another granny square, after I finish this entry. Hopefully today, I find it to be a bit easier, to do this. (If today's granny gives me as much trouble, as yesterday's, well...I MAY JUST GO CRAZY!!!)
At 1pm, I have an appointment, with my surgeon. I am hoping that he will send me to a different physical therapist, who will actually be able to give me the help that I NEED.
When I get home, I will (probably) do a few laps, around the property.
Then, I will make my way, to my chaise. And, I will resume work, on the sock.
There are (including today) 14 days left, before I get started, in my first class. And, I plan on making the VERY BEST, of this time. I am going to attack the yarn, as much as I possibly can.
Well...That is it, for today. Time for me to go, and get started, on the granny.
Happy looming, everyone!

timespan, walking, 8 months, loom, part 2, memoir, pattern, recovery, yarn, blog, student, book, timeline, granny square, workbook, education, yarnie, crochet, 2 years, record, document, timeframe, university, project, loom knit, 3 methods, deadline

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