Taking A Leap

May 11, 2011 09:17

It is just after 8am, as I write this out. I woke up very early, this morning, with my head FULL of thoughts.
Last night, I had a dream. I was at some amusement park, somewhere. In front of me, was this HUGE roller-coaster. I looked up, high in the sky, at the bright yellow track. It shot up, through clouds, then drastically, dropped back down again. The clouds prevented me from seeing just how high, the track actually went. And, on this particular roller coaster, there were 5 VERY big loops. (In reality, let me just say...This would, most definitely, NOT be a ride that I would EVER get on.) I heard the screams echoing, from the carts, as they ZOOMED along. People were having a GREAT time, on this ride. I got in line. Then, I boarded. I was alone, in my cart.
The ride began.
And you know what? While in the real world, I would absolutely HATE this roller-coaster, in the magical land of dreams, I was smiling the whole way through. Sure...there were some scary moments. But, it was a ride that my dream-self, completely loved.
Over coffee, this morning, I was able to examine this dream. And, I am pretty sure I can see the metaphor, of it.
So, I will begin this entry by talking about something other than yarn.
Last night, after getting out of a rather delightful bath (complete with aloe scented bubble bath, 3 lavender candles, 1 vanilla candle, and a few jasmine incense...I know, SCENT OVERLOAD!), I went to my room. I put on PJ's, and sat on my bed. I looked out the window. My sweetie was watering the orange tree, and the rose bushes. I took a few seconds to watch this. I listened to the water, trickling out of the fountain, and into the pond.
"Here we go!" The words came out of me, in a perfect blend of excitement, and fear.
I grabbed my phone, and made the call.
University of Phoenix.
I spoke to an administrator, who answered a lot of my questions. Today, she will be calling me back, at about 1:30pm. Together, we will search the internet, in the hopes of getting me grants. (I would imagine that, with the whole disability thing, and the abusive background, there has to be SOMETHING out there, for me. I hope there is.)
If I can find a way, to cover the cost (not sure how likely), I will be enrolling, as soon as possible.
Earth Science.
This is, for me, a huge thing. It was a big step to take. And, this morning, I find that I hope that I can find a way, to pay for enrollment.
I CAN do this. Time to board the roller-coaster, right?
I mean, look at it this way. Last June, I started this Project. I never thought I would stick with it, as long as I have. And, yeah, there have been some trying parts, to the whole thing. But, I have not given up. The Yarn Project has shown me, that I am no longer a quitter.
I am ready for this.
If the funds are there...I wish to learn.
We shall see what happens.
So...Now that this is out, let's switch gears.
It was an all-out GREAT day! There is no other word, that could summarize yesterday, quite as well. It was GREAT, in every way!
Ok... There was one little thing. My mother and I, did not get the chance to go to JoAnn's. SHOOT!
So. First things first. Yesterday, I was up, and on my feet, quite a bit. 8 laps around the property, throughout the day. Also, about 14 laps, back and forth, on the porch (at about 4 pm, when it suddenly got very windy.) Also, there was the walking from garden, to garden, while watering.
NO FALLS! YAY! There really is nothing better, then fall free days.
On the yarn front...
I managed to get very little done, when it comes to the scarf. I spent a total of 75 minutes (PRECISELY) working on it. I worked on this project, as I waited for my mother, and sweetie pie, to leave. They had a few errands to run ("Sorry, Michael. No JoAnn," my mother said.) Since shopping for yarn, was out of the question, I decided that I would stay behind. My sweetie would be gone...I would have time to work, on the Winter Hat, without risk of it being seen.
They left the house, at about 1:15pm. As they pulled, out the gate, I was on lap 4 of my walking. I finished the lap (which took somewhere around 15 minutes, I would guess), then made my way to the bistro, where my craft bag waited for me.
The Winter Hat...
Once again, the last few inches, of a project, are (for whatever reason) TAKING FOR FRIGGIN EVER, to finish. After the whole 'using white yarn, to make a pattern' part, of this hat, all I have to do, is work friggin stockinette, for 4 inches. Then, bind off, doing the gather removal. Easy-Peasy, right? I mean, it is not like stockinette takes a lot of thought to work, at this point, in the game.
I swear, it is horrible. I am doing the work...I am stitching one, right after the other. Peg after peg, I go. But, I swear, it is like the work I am doing, is vanishing.
Good news, however.
The white snowflake pattern is now FULLY in view.
Does it look EXACTLY like the pattern, in the book, shows? No. But, I must say...It worked. I see similarities, between what the book shows, and what I have created. And, I can always blame the differences, a variety, of different things.
First, I am using a different yarn. The pattern in the book, used Patons Classic Merino Wool, 100% wool. And I, being too poor to be the yarn snob, able to afford such nice yarns, chose to go with Red Heart. I am using two strands, throughout the work. This might be a reason, for the differences.
Then, there is gauge. Need I even say more, on this? Even though I can come close, to obtaining the gauge, as seen in the book, it will never be EXACTLY the same. I mean, I am very sure Isela and I, have very different personal tension, when wrapping yarn around the pegs. It's just the way it is.
But, oh well. While not an EXACT replica, of what the book shows, I can honestly say, I am VERY pleased, with how the design turned out. I consider it a HUGE success. GO ME!
I have one more inch, of stockinette, to do. Then, it is time, to bind off, and call it. I will be finishing this hat today. Expect a picture of it, tomorrow!
As for today...
Well, I am going to say that today will be an EXTREMELY busy day, for me.
After I finish this post, I will go, and shuffle around, in the kitchen, until I find a quick breakfast. Then, I will start my day, with a few laps around the property.
I will follow these laps, with creating yet another square for the birthday blanket, which had been sadly neglected. Poor little granny squares.=(
Once the square is done, I will do another lap or two, then meditate (hopefully BEE-FREE), at my porch garden. Then, I will get to work, on the Winter Hat. I will not stop, until it is taken off of my loom.
Another lap. After that, I should be close, to getting the call, from the University of Phoenix. I have no idea, how long that will take.
After the call, I will get busy, on the scarf.
Then, the same evening, as always. A delightful bath. A glass of wine. TV time. And, maybe an hour more, with the scarf.
Well, that is it. Time for me to go. I will be back on, later today, to read all of my friend's posts.
And, tomorrow will bring, a brand new entry.
Until then,
Happy looming!

timespan, college, walking, 8 months, loom, part 2, memoir, pattern, recovery, educate, yarn, hat, blog, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, 2 years, record, document, timeframe, scarf, project, loom knit, 3 methods, deadline, hopeful

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