Friday...At Last!

Apr 29, 2011 09:09

This morning, at just after 6:30, I woke up. Two very different things, pulled me away from sleep, this morning. First, there was the all too familiar (and extremely painful) stinging, of tendonitis. Let me just say, right now-While a tendonitis attack is NEVER fun, and I would never welcome such pain...Waking up, as a result of it (and feeling as though your hands are on FIRE), is the worst thing, ever. If I have to suffer with tendonitis, I would rather it be during the day, instead of at the beginning of the day. This pain (first friggin thing, in the morning), most certainly, will have you waking up, on the wrong side, of the bed.
Fortunately, the other 'waking factor', this morning, wasn't quite as bad.
My cute little pooch was a pistol, this morning. He was zooming back and forth, across the surface of the bed. He would race to the foot of the bed, then turn, and charge, to the head, where he would bury his head under the pillows. His curly little tail, was wagging the whole time. I swear, it was the friggin cutest thing.
As I write this, the tendonitis pain has gone away, and my dog (now outside), is still acting, as though someone gave him a high-energy tablet.
Friday. Oh, thank God!
These past few weeks...Well, they have been a doozie, of a time. That's for sure. And, even though, over time, things have 'calmed down', there is still quite a bit of stress, under this particular roof. My uncle...Well, he will be leaving, 'any day now', as he says. (Let us hope, today.) He has more than gone out of his way, to be a real friggin TOOL! He will randomly come up, with rude little comments. These, for me, have become easy to ignore. (Oh, the joys of meditation.) When they fly at me, I just dismiss them. But, my sweetie and mother are having one hell of a time, with it. And, he is purposely going about destroying shit, around the house. Nothing of importance, really...It is just the principle.
For the past week, he has basically called each night's dinner, awful. (God, what respect, right?)
All I can say...I will not miss him, one single bit. (I know that may sound awful. But, it is the truth.) Things need to get back, to being peaceful, here. My mother, and sweetie, need to be able to just sit back, and relax
But, enough of that. Let's move on.
Yesterday, after writing my post, I went for a few laps, around the property. 4, to be exact. And, for 3 1/2 of those laps, I remained fall free.
Then, my ankle went weak, and I went down.
(Falling down ALWAYS embarrasses the hell, out of me. Even if nobody sees it. I know that I fell. And, it embarrasses me. I get all flushed, and I start sweating, nervously. I try to get up, as quickly as possible, so I can go, and hide.)
I got up, and realized that, during the fall, I had twisted my left ankle. Oh, joy! On top of the humiliation, I was now in pain.
I slowly made my way, to the porch, putting as little pressure, as possible, on the injured ankle. Let me just tell you...It wasn't easy. It is hard enough, for me to walk, with two pain-free ankles.
Eventually, I made my way, to the porch, and I parked, at the bistro table, where my craft bag, waited for me.
I pulled out, my loom, and knit pick, and I went at it.
I was happily looming along, humming merrily. Knit 2, purl 2. Knit 2, purl 2...
All was going very well.
And then, I took the second tumble, for the day.
(And, let me just tell you...If the first fall embarrassed me, then this one had me wanting to go, and crawl under a rock, and die. )
I friggin fell, out of the chair. Yup. That's how special, I am. It takes a rather 'unique' sort of individual, to fall, while sitting down. And I, ladies and gentlemen...I am that 'unique' individual.
I am still not entirely sure, how it happened, either. Because, the chair has arms. How, I find myself asking, was I able, to accomplish this?
As my butt, made contact, with the wooden floor, of the porch, I looked at the chair, where I had been perched, only seconds ago. And, I bust up, laughing. True, I was embarrassed, as anything. My cheeks were once again, flush, and again, I was nervously sweating. But, I mean, come on. How can you not laugh, at something like this. 'I introduce you, to Michael Leach. The 29 year old man, who loom knit a wonderful pair of leg warmers, and make it look simple. But, alas, he cannot manage to stay, in his chair!'
I laughed so hard, that I actually started to cry. And, at the same time, I hoped that nobody would come over, and ask me, why I was laughing.
Eventually, I was able to compose myself.
And, I grabbed my loom, and knit pick. And, deciding it was probably safer, I stayed on the porch floor, and loom knit. After all, it would take a whole new set of talents (which I am pretty sure I do not possess), to fall, when you are already, on the ground.
After about an hour, I put away my project, and went checked the gardens.
Then, I noticed my uncle packing all of his stuff (and, also, trying to pack some of my stuff...I don't think so)! And, I started to see the 'light at the end of the tunnel.'
Things will be harder (financially), when he is no longer here. But, in every other way, things will get much, MUCH better. And, we all know that money, while nice, is not everything.
As for today. I will FINALLY get around, to reading all my buddy's blogs. Then, I plan on going outside, and loom knitting, the day away.
That is it, for today.
Wish me a good (graceful) day, everyone.
Happy looming!

timespan, klutz, loom, part 2, memoir, pattern, fall, yarn, uncle, blog, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, stress, timeframe, project, funny, loom knit, deadline

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