Let The New Week Begin

Apr 18, 2011 20:15

It is funny...
I have only been on a 'blog-break', for a few days. In reality, not all that long. But, for me, well...It feels like a friggin eternity. My God! How I have MISSED writing here. How I have missed reading all of the WONDERFUL comments, from my readers. It was hell. Plain and simple. Downright TORTURE!
Now...after DAYS, missing it, here I am. I am back!
So...where to begin?
Well, I guess I should start by telling you all, of my new deformity. I am not exactly sure about how it came to be. It could be from the pressure, my hands go through, while I use the forearm canes. Or...maybe, it could be from all the time, I spend, with my looms. But, it is there, nonetheless.
A calcium build up. Oh, what friggin fun. Because, hey. Let's face it. This past week, wasn't HELLISH enough! Let's just throw in, some good old physical damages!
Smack dab, at the outer side, of my left index finger. It is tender, but not sore, exactly. I think the thing, that is bugging me the most, about it. IT IS DAMNED UGLY! (Seriously...It looks like my finger has been broken, and is now sliding over. It is just odd looking.)
I just keep looking at it, and running my finger, over it. SOMEONE HELP ME! I AM DEFORMED!!!
It was one hell of a weekend. That is for sure.
I won't bore you with all of the details. Rather, I will just give you a summary. On Saturday, we all (my mother, sister, sweetheart, and I) went to the Moose Lodge. Talking with my aunt was on the evening agenda. So, we decided to have a little bit of fun, before hand.
And, we did. It was a good time. We all had a few drinks...just enough, to calm us.
Then, after a few hours, we came home.
My sister, and mother, went out to the aunt. I wanted to go along, but my sister told me that it would not be wise. (So...I just stayed outside. I walked around, listening...at the smallest bit of yelling, I was going to march back there, dammit! Well...no yelling occurred.)
My aunt said she would be out, by Monday.
Here it is...Monday. And, the aunt is gone.
The uncle is still here. But, that is soon to change. Hopefully, things can change. Hopefully, when the uncle goes, things will get better. They have to. They have to, for mom. She has just been SO DAMNED stressed out. I cannot stand to see her, like this.
Yesterday, I decided that I was going to buy my sweetie, and mother Easter baskets. True...funds completely SUCK, now. The money could have been saved. I know that. But, dammit. I just feel that I had to do it. I mean, last week was so awful. These baskets will COMPLETELY make them both, so FRIGGIN happy. They both need something, to smile about.
So...Switching to the yarn.
Well. What can I say?
The flag. I honestly did not think I was going to finish it. I thought tomorrow would come, and I would have to (shamefully) write that I had not been successful, in finishing it.
All I can say, is this.
I HATE stitching panels together. It just completely SUCKS! And, my God...could it take any friggin longer? I thought I was going to go insane, as I stitched the panels together. I honestly thought I was going to go crazy. (Of course, I am sure it did not help matters, at all...what, with me being in that overly-pissy mood, I was in, this past weekend.) I worked the whip stitch, and I was cursing like a sailor, the whole friggin time. I was talking to the air, vulgarly verbalizing all the nasty (catty) things, I wished I could have had the chance to say. (I am actually very certain that, more than once, I created a few new swear words.)
And, as I violently stitched the panels together (pulling the yarn, so quickly, that it actually burned my fingers), the yarn decided to give me a fair dose of hell.
Many, many times, it happened. the yarn would twist, and knot up. And, with me being so violent, with the stitching, I wouldn't catch it, until it was too late. I would get knots, too tight to untie. And, we all know what happens, when the yarn decides to get mean, with me. Yup. That's right! A whole new reason, to break out, in the swear work rhapsody.
The aunt. The uncle. The yarn. The stress. Oh yeah. All of this culminated, and put me, in a rare form.
Last night, I stayed up, until 2 am, stitching the last panel, onto the blanket. I kept myself awake with TONS of hot chocolate, and by telling myself that this blanket would be the PERFECT way, to make mom happy.
At 2am, when I finished, I went to bed. And, it was a complete CRAP night. I was actually SO TIRED, that I could not get to sleep. (Yeah...try to figure the logic in that.) I tossed, and turned. I sighed, and whined. I hated my sweetie, for being able to sleep sweetly.
After what seemed like a FRIGGIN eternity, I was able to drift into an uneasy sleep.
This morning, I woke up early. How early, you may ask? Well...It was still friggin dark outside. I threw a silent meltdown, when I realized I would not be going back to sleep. And, I asked myself what the whole point was, when I am sure I did not get more than 120 minutes of snooze time.
After 4 gigantic mugs of coffee, and some QVC time, I went to work, on the Old Glory blanket. I weaved in the ends. I did a simple fringe. I crocheted 13 little white stars, which then found their way, to the blue portion.
Just after noon.
I was done!
Now, I wish I could say it was perfect. But, that would be less than honest. The measurements are slightly off, and I am MOST DEFINITELY not happy, about it.
So, when I finished it, and handed it to my mother, I told her that it was not perfect, and I found myself apologizing. I SO wanted this, to just be TOTALLY awesome, in every friggin way.
She unfolded it, took one look at it...
And, she burst into tears.
She clutched it close, and the tears fell down her cheeks. "Thank you," she said, in a quiet voice. "Thank you, Michael. It is BEAUTIFUL!"
(I should say that, since she first got it, she has been tucked away, under it. She proudly displayed it, to my sweetie, and called up my sister, to go on, and on, about it.)
So...Is it perfect? To me, no. There are flaws...the measurements are off. But, it was JUST what she needed.
I guess it is true...that whole thing of "beauty is in the eye, of the beholder". She told me that it was completely wonderful, and she has shown how very much she loves it.
And, in the end. Well, that makes it completely perfect.
Without further delay, here it is. My version, of the Old Glory blanket.
Tomorrow, I start work, on the leg warmers. I am completely stoked, about that!
It feels so friggin great, to have finished another project.
I will be back tomorrow.
Until then...
Happy looming.

timespan, 8 months, loom, part 2, pattern, yarn, blanket, blog, book, timeline, family, workbook, yarnie, 2 years, timeframe, drama, project, loom knit, deadline, 3 methods

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