Popping Out The Final Panels

Apr 11, 2011 09:07

This morning, I woke up, at about 7:20. (I think I would have been able to sleep a little bit longer, had it not been for my little rat-bastard dog, deciding that it would be GREAT fun, to lick my hair! WHAT THE HELL!?) I settled down, in front of the TV, where my mother and I (the only two people, in this house, who choose to wake up, before the day is half-over), sipped coffee together.
(Mmm...Coffee! I swear, most nights, when I go to bed, I do so, thinking about the wonderful, PIPING-HOT coffee, that I will get to enjoy, when I wake up!)
It is a nice, SUNNY day, in the Winchester area. A 'shorts, and tee-shirt' sort of day. When finished here, I will be starting my day, with a trip, around the property, and some quality time, spent in my garden, surrounded by a bunch, of BEAUTIFUL plants. (I am one of those, who HONESTLY believe that plants are good for the soul.)
So...Let us talk about yesterday. It was SUCH a wonderful day, and I am DYING to write about it.
After writing yesterday's post, I went for a walk...4 laps, around the property. 4 GLORIOUS, FALL-FREE laps. And, I would like to think that all of the dogs, were following me, just in case I fell. You know...the could do the typical "Lassie" thing. (More likely than not, they were following me, because I had given each of them a treat, before starting my walk. I am sure they were following me, in the hopes that maybe...JUST MAYBE, I had a few bones, stored in my pocket. Well, sorry poochies!)
After the laps were walked, and my ankles were burning, from all the steps taken, I moved on, to the next thing. I marched myself, up the three wooden stairs, and onto the porch. I went right over to my porch garden, and sat down, on the mat, I have placed in front of it. I kicked my ratty burgandy Crocs off. And I meditated. I closed my eyes, and let my mind wander off. And, as I sat there...blissfully calm, and wind swept over me. Talk about wonderful.
Half an hour later, I put my shoes back on, and went to loom away.
I took a wire chair, out to my garden, where I sat, among the carnations, roses, mint, aloe, and wildflowers. And, I worked away, on the panel, started the day before.
In what seemed like only a matter of 5 minutes (but was probably MUCH longer), I had finished the panel. I did the bind off, and held the finished panel, in my hands.
"Three more to go," I said, to myself. I am positively GIDDY, over the fact, that I AM SO FRIGGIN CLOSE, to being done, with this project. And, I decided something. Even though my mother KNOWS she is getting it...I am going to wrap it all up, nice and pretty, before giving it away.
I put the finished panel, in my craft bag, which I then put on a table, on the porch.
I had just made my way, back to the garden, when my mother informed me, that we were going to be going to Lowe's.
So, we left the house.
Why Lowe's you may ask?
Well...Yesterday, we picked up, a brand new plant. I am SUPER happy, over the purchase. And, I find myself HOPING, that this plant will thrive here.
Yesterday, we bought an artichoke plant. Now, I LOVE artichokes. They are, in my opinion, one of the tastiest things, on the friggin planet. So, it would TOTALLY cool, if this plant did well here. I mean, homegrown artichokes...EVERY friggin year. Heck yes!
Of course, there were other errands, that had to be taken care of. (There always is!) And, by the time we got home, it was just half past 5.
I made a bee-line, to my chaise. And, I got right to work, crocheting the granny square for the day. The first 2 rounds, I worked in a camo-variegated yarn. Then, just for a wild, VIBRANT, fun twist, I worked the last three rounds, in a key lime green. Of course, the final was worked, in black.
Once the granny was finished, well... You can guess where I made my way, to. Yup. That's right! It was wonderful bath time.
While in the bath (which was doctored up, with bubbles, and bath salt), I thought, about something I am OFTEN thinking about now. It is nothing new...I have written about it, before.
I started thinking about how much I have learned, from this Project. Now...I am not talking about any of the 'deeper lessons', I have learned. Nope. Those did not come into the picture, last night. My thoughts were reserved EXCLUSIVELY for the yarn aspect. There was no room, for metaphor.
I thought about the beginning of this Project. I was throwing myself into a brand new world. Yarn. It fascinated me. And, it scared the living hell out of me.
I have learned SO much, in such a short time. I would NEVER have thought that I would become so 'into' making stuff, with yarn.
Just goes to show, I guess.
The bath ended, I had dinner, and a slice lemon creme pie.
Then, while 'semi-watching' TV (Shark Tank. It really does not require eyes to be GLUED to the TV), I sat on my chaise, and started the next panel, for the Old Glory blanket. And, as I sat there, working away (giving equal amounts of attention, to the loom, and the TV), I realized that I was loom knitting, like a friggin bat out of hell. I was working row, after row...after row. Before I knew it, I had finished 60 rows. I was totally surprised. You know that saying: 'water won't boil, if you watch it.' Well...I guess that whole thing, sort of applies here, too. If you allow your mind some distraction, yarn work goes WAY friggin quicker. (Of course, there are certain projects, where you cannot afford to let your mind roam. In these cases...well, you are screwed. It will take FOREVER! But, since this project is just one stitch, over and over again, I am pretty comfortable, allowing myself, to get distracted, by other things. )
2 1/2 more panels, to go. Then, crochet some stars. Stitch it all together. (Which, we all know, is the most TEDIOUS part, of working with yarn.) Then...IT IS DONE!
I predict that I will be finished, with the Old Glory blanket, before this week has passed.
Then, time to move along, to the next project.
I know I had originally said that, next up, I would work a pair of socks.
But, what can I say?
I am TOTALLY amped up, to work on the Ribbed Leg Warmers (Page 80, of the book.)! I think these will be a TOTAL blast, to make. And, I am anxious, to finish my first Christmas gift.
Well, after I finish this post, I will grab some grub.
A few laps will be taken, around the property. Then, meditating will occur, in front of my cute little porch garden.
Yarn time will begin, with my finishing the panel, started last night.
Then, after a bit of garden time, I will work another square, for the birthday blanket.
And, I will start working on the next panel.
Old Glory blanket. What can I say?
You are about to meet your END! (In a good way.)
Well, time for me, to go. Lot's to do, today. Yarn to play with, an artichoke plant, to put in the ground. A garden, to go enjoy. And, steps, to be taken.
Happy looming, everyone!

timespan, learn, walking, learning, 8 months, loom, meditate, part 2, memoir, pattern, recovery, educate, yarn, blanket, blog, book, timeline, garden, workbook, walk, yarnie, 2 years, timeframe, project, loom knit, 3 methods, deadline

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