Panel 1, Take 2

Mar 26, 2011 11:14

I am so happy to, once again, be able to sit down, and feel free to write, and write, and write. On this glorious Saturday, I have NO plans, to leave the house. I am staying put, and that is that. Later today, my sweetie-pie will be going to the Moose Lodge, with my uncle. I am sure that I will be asked if I want to go. And, you know what...I don't. Just say no, to the neighborhood Moose, Michael.
So, yesterday. As soon as I finished my short (and very scatter-brained) entry, I shut down the computer, and made my way outside. Let me tell you...a wooden porch, soaked with rain. Well, that equals one slippery-as-all-hell surface. At one point, my cane decided to slip, as it made contact with our porch, and I just knew that was going to be it. I was officially going to go down. Surprisingly, I managed to stay in an upright position. (I am still not entirely sure how that happened. Oh well...just be grateful for small miracles, I guess.) I made my way to the car, climbed in, and was off. Therapy (aka, Hour of Pain & Torture), here I come!
I am very happy to report that I did not get the Master of Pain, this time. No, sir. My usual (hell-dealing) therapist was busy, inflicting his fury, on yet another poor soul. (He was working with her left arm, which had a giant scar on it, from some type of surgery, I am sure. He was lifting it. And, at one point, she cried out: "Ouch! I can't move it anymore!" His response. He stopped for a moment, and told her that getting better would be painful, to some degree. Then, slowly, he kept going. I looked at her...took in the sight of pain, she was suffering through. And, I felt for her. Really, I did. But, at the same time, at least this time, it wouldn't be me.)
This time, I got to deal with a rather delightful therapist. Sure, she pushed me a bit. But, a bit is ok. A bit, is expected. But, she did not force me to keep going. She did not make me feel, as though my limbs were going to fall off.
It was still a stressful hour, and by the end of it, I was completely covered in sweat. (How delightful. Not!) My muscles were sore, but did not feel as though they had snapped in half.
All I can say, is this. When my hour was up, I left the office. And, as I climbed, into the car, I prayed that I will be fortunate enough, to get this same therapist, next Friday.
When I got home, I changed into fresh clothes, and collapsed on my bed.
I napped, for about 2 hours.
When I woke up, I was cheery. I was bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and totally ready to go at it, with my yarn.
Now then...
Yesterday, as we were driving back from my appointment, I noticed the tan and blue Simple Hat, that I made a short while back. I leave it in the car, so I will always have it, for cool days. As you will remember, this hat was made, by knitting over.
And, as I looked at it, I realized that the stitch pattern, created by knitting over, looked very similar, to the picture of the Old Glory Blanket, as seen in the pattern.
So, I decided that I would just do a trial panel, using the knit over stitch, instead of the knit stitch.
And, it looks WAY better.
The knitting over method, I am sure, is the PERFECT stitch to use, for the Old Glory Blanket.
On top of that, I was able to cut the count of rows, for one panel, WAY down. (I am sure that this is, in part, because I wasn't as tense, and tight, in my work, the second time around.) The total count, for one panel...165 rows.
I got the first (new) panel finished, yesterday. I start the next one, today.
Of course, I still have had to add quite a few rows, as to what the pattern asks for. (I am sorry, but I HAVE to believe that Kathy Underwood is WAY OFF! I mean, I don't care how FRIGGIN loose you keep your tension, there is (ABSOLUTELY) no friggin way, you are going to get a five foot long panel, by working 90 rows. That just is not happening.
There are, of course, a few more issues I am having, with this pattern. I would like to now take the time, to address them.
First...The pattern DOES NOT specify what type of yarn, to use. It just tells you, that you will need red, blue, and white yarn. Ok...good to know. But, what about offering up a specific weight of yarn? Because, come on. The weight of the yarn is a HUGE thing! Should I use medium, bulky...super bulky? Come on, Kathy...share the secret.
Then, we have the last little bit, of this pattern. We are told the blue background was worked as one piece, using another loom altogether. We are then told that the pattern has been changed, to make assembling the panels, a little bit easier. Ok. Well...I ask this. The picture, seen in the pattern...Is it off of the original design, which used two looms? Or, is it based off the new pattern, which I am going by?
The world may never know.
So...I was busily working away, on the panel yesterday. And, I told my mother that I am going to be working a frame, around the piece, when I have all the panels stitched together. I told her I was thinking a gold frame.
Enter the words of my sweetie-pie.
"How many times do I have to tell you, Michael? Work the flag, just as it is seen, in the pattern! Don't add anything extra!"
It was here, where I spoke up. Even though I love my sweetie, VERY much...There is only so much I can take. I, Michael Leach, released the inner beast.
"Hey, babe," I asked, when the whole rant of 'DO THE FLAG JUST AS YOU SEE IT' was officially over. "Can you take me to the yarn store?"
"Why? Don't you have enough of the yarn, you need?"
"Me...Oh yes, I do!"
"Well then, why do you want to go to the yarn store?"
"Well...I figure I could buy some more white, blue, and red yarn. Then, since you are so GUNG-FRIGGIN-HO, on the blanket being made, JUST AS IT IS SEEN, IN THE PATTERN, you can sit down, with the yarn, and work it, yourself." My sweetie just gave me this weird look. Wide eyes. Mouth slightly opened. I said my final piece. "But, this blanket. (I held up the panel, I was working on.) Well, guess what? I am the one working it. ME. Yup, little old me...working this blanket. And, as long as it is MY hands, doing the work, I will make it, any friggin way, I want to!"
I then let a little victorious grin, curl my lips. Then, I went back to working the panel. My sweetheart, though the love of my life, can be, do I say this...A CONTROL FREAK!
Well, that is fine. Most the time, I don't care. But, when it comes to yarn, and my creations. Well, I WILL MAKE THEM, HOW I WANT!
At just after 8pm, I finished take 2, of the first panel. I allowed myself a light beer, and had leftovers, for dinner.
Then, I switched gears. I grabbed my trustee clay-handled hook, and set off, to make yet another square, for my sister's birthday afghan. For last night's square, I used a variegated yarn, which had shades of cream, pink, and-you got it- green. (I was a little 'iffy' on using this yarn, because of the pink, in it. But, I told myself it would work, because, after all...It has green in it.)
After I finished this square, I watched the season finale, of season 4 of Dexter (which was TOTALLY awesome!) Then, I called it a night.
As for today...
Well, I will start my adventures with yarn, by stitching the square I made last night, to the other squares. Then, I will get started, on panel two. Then, I will work another square or two. And, I am sure that (when I am all alone), I will go, and take a rather long nap. (Today just feels like it will be a nap day.)
And, that is it. That is the plan, for the day.
I am now off...Lots of yarn fun, to have.
Happy looming!

change, timespan, two years, walking, 8 months, loom, part 2, surgery, alteration, memoir, pattern, recovery, yarn, blog, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, record, afghans, timeframe, squares, therapy, project, loom knit, deadline, 3 methods

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