Ankle Pain, & The Mitts

Mar 12, 2011 10:48

This morning, I woke up, and my legs and lower back were KILLING me! Maneuvering off of the bed (and act of shifting, from side to side) made me very aware, of how much I worked my lower back, yesterday. Every single little shift, created this wave of pain, that washed over my lower back. A pain so strong, it took all I had, not to scream out, and wake my sleeping sweetie. (I will say this. Though able to hold back screaming, I still whined out, a whispered "owwww", with each movement.)
My back feels like it has just been placed, under about 50 pounds of rock. My hamstrings feel like they are so tight, they may very well snap. My knees have this weird weakness, which, though familiar to me, is not possible to explain in words. My ankles feel as though they have been put on fire.
Ahhh...The fun of physical therapy.
At the physical therapy office, there is this ONE individual, who I pray I will not have to work with, ever again. I swear, he is just BRUTAL! And, I know (I just KNOW) that he gets some sick sort of pleasure, from inflicting pain, on others. I mean, he will watch you exercise, and when he sees pain and sweat on your face, he grins this wicked grin, and tells you to "just keep going." And, even though you feel as though you are about to black out, you keep going. Why? Well, because you are afraid that if you don't, he will come down on you, with all the fury one man can have. Seriously...This man just plain SCARES me. I am terrified to tell him that I just can't take anymore. I know what would happen. He would yell at me (much like the coaches on The Biggest Loser). He would get in my face, and scream out words, that are, at the best of times, condescending. So...I (somehow) managed to keep going yesterday. I worked my ass off, and the whole time I was in my session (with the Physical Therapy Terminator), I kept thinking about one thing. I focused on 'the light, at the end of the tunnel'.
After this one hour session is over, I can go home, and just do FRIGGIN nothing. I can crumple, into this heap, and just relax, for the rest of the day.
The 'Hour of Torment' passed (slowly), and my sweetie drove me home. It was just after 3. Normally, I would have been outside, working in the garden (for at least another 2 hours). But, not yesterday. NO SIR! I hobbled my way, from the car, into the house, saying "ouchie", with every single step. I made a quick stop to the fridge, to grab a beer, then continued my painful hobble, down the hallway, and to the bathroom.
I lit a lavender candle, and started the bathwater. I pulled out a brand new box, of epsom salt. I opened it, and poured at least half of it, into the bath water. I added three heaping cap-fulls of bubble bath, and I stepped into the bath, and sank, into the wonderfully warm water. Normally, I will read, while taking a bath. But, not yesterday. I wanted to do absolutely nothing, but just sit in the water.
An hour and a half later, I climbed out of the bath, and put on PJ's. I was still cursing out, this horrible therapist. I went, and watched TV, and took a little nap.
At 7 pm, I finally made my way, to the chaise. I grabbed my loom, and my book. I prayed to the Yarn Gods, asking them to please take pity on me. I begged that the mitts would not give me any hassle, as I was already in more pain, than any one individual, should EVER have to be in.
I grabbed my cell phone, and plugged in the earphones. I listened to music that, well...very much falls under the whole 'elevator music' theme. But, it was pure bliss. And, it helped drown out the whole tooth-sucking melody, of uncle Smacks-A-Lot.
And, I started working, on the first mitt.
Rows 5-14...Well, they were so simple.
All I had to do was knit. Well, that and keep track, of what row I was on. (Hey...that is why paper and pen, were created.) It was work that, I was very aware, I would have called MONOTONOUS, had it been any other day. Normally, I would have made it through 2 or 3, of the ten rows, before I grew bored with the doing the 'same old thing'. This would lead to swearing, and a great many eye rolls.
But, not yesterday. No, sir! Yesterday, I enjoyed it. It was such a comfort, to not have to think, about what I was doing. It was so blissful, being able to zone out, as I knit the 10 rows.
The Yarn Gods had, in fact, heard my prayer. And, they did take pity, on me.
I allowed myself to stare, at the pattern, the strands of blue and green yarn made, as I worked with them.
And, I realized how very easy it could be, to enter into that whole 'Yarn Snob' category. I compared the Berroco Comfort, to Red Heart (which, until now, has been used for almost EVERY project.) And, I decided that I really am past the whole Red Heart thing.
Berroco Comfort. I have, so far, worked 16 rows, with it. And, I have not ONCE experienced the hell, that is snagging yarn. (Sure, casting on, for this project, was a bitch. But, that was not, in any way, the yarn's fault.) If I were making these mitts, using Red Heart, I am sure that, by now, I would have met (at least) 10 snags. Each snag would be met, with a moment of anger. By using Berroco, I am able to avoid the snag-anger. YAY!
And, compared to Red Heart, this yarn is so WONDERFULLY soft. Seriously though, what else should I expect? I mean, it is called Berroco COMFORT, for a reason.
Berroco Comfort...Working with you, is a gift, directly sent from the Yarn Gods. You have found a place, in this particular yarnie's heart.(Shh...Don't tell my sweetie. I am in a rather wonderful love affair, with Berroco Comfort.)
Last night, while working away, on the mitt, I thought about that moment, when I finish both mitts, and I put them on, for the first time. I am sure that when that moment comes, I will be hearing the Hallelujah Chorus, ringing in my ears.
Last night, I worked, until 8:30 (give or take). 16 rows are now done, on the first mitt. (I should say, that I have also worked the two rows, where I needed to increase. And, guess what. It was no big deal!) I am now just over half-way done, with the first mitt. (There are 29 rows total, per mitt.)
Today, I plan on finishing the first mitt. Chances are, I will spend a good amount of time indoors, as I am in no condition (physically) to do anything, but sit on my ass.
Row 17- 26, I will go back into the knit-stitch frenzy. Hopefully, it is as blissful, as it was last night. Row 27, I am told to purl, and put a stitch marker, on the third stitch, of the row. Row 28, I knit. Row 29, I purl. Then, I bind off, and go into assembly mode, on the first mitt.
Before beginning this post, I looked at my blog profile. And, I took the time, to count the projects I still have to loom knit. Including the mitts, which I am currently plugging away on, I have a grand total of 14 more projects, and just days under 7 months, to complete them. That means that, if nothing else, I would have to complete 2 projects, per month.
Sure, it sounds easy. But, take into account, all the other stuff, on my day to day agenda. I have to do physical therapy, daily. I have a garden, which I love spending time in. During any given week, I am asked to go out, with my mom, sweetie, or both, numerous times, and run an eternal list of errands. And, my family believes that (now that the weather is SO perfect), spending time inside, working with yarn, is a big, fat waste of time. (They still refuse to get the whole concept of The Yarn Project, and the deadline it has.) On top of all of this, I am sure that my family will wind up asking for more projects, to be worked for them. (We all know I won't deny my sweetheart, or mother.) Also, I have tendonitis (duh!) There are days when I am in so much pain, that I cannot do a single damned thing.
14 Projects. 7 Months. Sure, some of the projects will be quick. But the Ruana, Baby Blanket, Yoga Matt Bag, and some other projects, I am sure, will take a bit of time.
But, I know I can do it!
Well...Time to go. The mitt is calling me. The Berroco Soft yarn is tempting me. Time to go, lose myself, in my loom knitting.
Happy looming, everyone!

timespan, berroco, 8 months, red heart, part 2, memoir, pattern, yarn, blog, meltdown, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, 2 years, mitts, record, physical therapy, timeframe, project, deadline, 3 methods, pain

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