Moving On...Fingerless Mitts, Here I Come!!!

Mar 10, 2011 08:34

Ok...My aunt and uncle...
Seriously, they are just acting out, in ways that are downright NOT friggin cool. I now am beginning to understand the whole addiction, to pills. Let me tell aunt and uncle have me considering medication. Xanax, anyone?
Let's talk about the aunt first.
She has been LOCKED away, in her little trailer, for 3 FRIGGIN days straight. (They were the best three damned days ever!) Then, yesterday, she decides to come out. No biggie. I mean, I can at least be civil. So, I strike up conversation.
Yes...I CAN BE CIVIL. She, apparently, cannot.
My uncle and sweetie, had gone to the local Moose Lodge, about and hour and a half, before the aunt made her way outside. And, when they left, they leashed 'her' dog up, to the fence, so it would not run away. (I swear...THIS WOMAN DOES NOT DESERVE A DOG. It is only HER dog, when she can use it, to bring forth drama.) Well, they forgot to unleash it. And, my mom and I were out in the back, doing a shit-load of work, and did not even go out front, to where the dog was leashed up.
Enter the aunt. She makes an appearance, for about five minutes. She notices 'her' dog, leashed up to the fence, and she goes off. "So, MY dog has been chained to the fence, for an hour and a half, and nobody even noticed." She then stormed off with (her) dog, and I did not see her again, for the rest of the evening.
Ok...It is not MY EFFING responsibility, to care for YOUR dog! Maybe I didn't notice. But, neither did you. And, if you weren't locked away, like a friggin hermit, maybe you could learn to take responsibility for your own damned pet. I find it funny, how she does not show that dog, one ounce of attention. But, she will go off on anybody, for leaving her dog on a leash.
Moving on...the uncle.
Well, his is easy. He is just a tooth sucker. Plain and simple. And, I hate it. It completely GROSSES me out!
Ok...Now that I have my fair amount of bitching out of the way, we can move on.
After yesterday's post, I left the house. Daily Fiber Yarn Co...Here I come!
I walked in, and instantly felt like a kid in a candy store. If my mom was not waiting for me, in the car outside, I would have (most definitely) taken the time, to carefully inspect EACH AND EVERY ball and skein of yarn, in the whole store. (Even my sweetie, not a yarnie AT ALL, has admitted that this store has something 'special', about it.)
"Hey there," the owner said, "welcome back!" This got the attention, of a few readers, of my blog. One woman admitted to reading me, almost daily. This made me feel very good. (I swear...One day, I am going to catch a ride to this store, and spend the whole damned day, in the back, working away, with fellow yarnies.)
Pleasantries were exchanged. The owner asked what I was currently working on, and I went into a full out rant, about the Fish of Terror. I told her that all I had to do, to finish it, was stitch the two sides together. I went into the HELL, that is brought, by having to knit two together, and slip, slip, knit. I even told her about how one fish, came out bigger, than the other. I told her that I did not understand this, at all. I used the same tension, in my stitches, the same yarn...EVERYTHING was friggin the same. Even she was stumped.
Then...I went into why I was there.
I had my handy dandy workbook, with me, and I set it on the counter, that was between us. I opened it up, to page 98. "I am making these, next."
She walked around the counter, and went straight into the yarn. "The pattern is asking you for a super bulky. Sadly, I do not have any." She suggested that I use two strands of worsted weight, which will bring me to a bulky weight, but not a super bulky, as asked for by the pattern. "It should be fine," she said. "Just play around with it, for a while."
She went to the back of the store, and was gone, for a matter of about 5 minutes. She returned, with a big basket, in her hands.
A basket of Berroco Comfort. It is a medium (4) weight. I got two balls, of it. One in a hunter green, and one in a royal blue. (Hey...I am not afraid of bold colors. I think having blue/green mitts, will be FRIGGIN awesome!)
She rung up the purchase, and I left the store.
Fast forward, through the day. Home Depot, for plants, Walmart, for various goodies. Then, home. Time to work, on the garden.
It was 7, when I made my way inside. I took one of my nice, hot baths, and completely zoned out. (I tell you...Milk & Honey bubbles, and Shiraz wine...That is a GREAT bath, in the works.)
I had a light dinner, and went to work on the fish pillow.
I went to an old stash of buttons, my mom has (from back in her seamstress days), and searched for the button, which would become the fishy eye. I quickly decided on a big, brown button. Then, it was off to work.
The button got stitched on, to the front side of the pillow. Then, I started sewing the two fish together.
In no time, I was stuffing, and fluffing, the fish. And, as soon as I was done with it, my dog decided that it was his new best friend. I was barely able to get a picture of it, before my dog delicately picked it up, in his mouth, and trotted away with it. (For the rest of the night, and this morning, my dog has not abandoned that fish ONCE! It is incredibly FRIGGIN cute! At one point last night, I woke up. My dog was right beside me, on the bed...with his new little fish buddy.)
Seeing this whole cute thing, totally makes the hell of working this fish, all worth while. it is. My fish pillow!
Looking at it, you would not expect it, to have been such a damned nightmare, to make. All I can say, is I am THRILLED to be done, with it.
Today, I start the mitts.
Now, I instantly see that I will, no doubt, have some trouble with these. You have to do a few increases.
To work these mitts, you use the green Knifty Knitter. The yarn asked for, in the pattern (which we know I am not using), is Rowan Big Wool. (I swear, Isela Phelps uses wool yarn, for JUST ABOUT FRIGGIN EVERYTHING, in this book. Well...Living in So-Cal, I must make some changes, with yarn choice. I mean, wool is great. But, I don't want to friggin melt into a pool of sweat.) So...These are a flat panel, which I am now used to. There are 29 rows, to each mitt.
We shall see. Will this be an easy project, or it will threaten to unravel me? Only time will tell.
I am now off. I am going to go eat, get ready, do some gardening, and get started on my mitts.
Happy looming, everyone!

berroco, 8 months, loom, miracle, fish pillow, part 2, surgery, memoir, pattern, recovery, yarn, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, disability, 2 years, project, 3 methods, deadline, timespan, walking, finish, goal, meltdown, blog, madness, hobby, mitts, timeframe, craft, loom knit

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