A Long, PAINFUL Day!

Mar 05, 2011 09:36

This morning, I woke up just after 7 am. I climbed out of bed, and have already had my first cup of coffee, as I watched an episode of Dexter. I am now writing this out, with my second cup of coffee, by my side. I am wide awake, and (without the pains of tendonitis, or my twisted ankle) I am COMPLETELY ready to start my day.
I am very well aware of the fact that today, I will be playing catch up. I will attack the fish pillow (where I have to redo quite a bit), and I hope to get a considerable amount of work done, on it. I also plan to get a bit of gardening done today. (Yesterday, my sweetie went to Lowe's while I was in physical therapy...which was a completely HELLISH experience...and bought me a miniature carnation plant. The flowers are two shades of pink-dark on the inside of the petal, then lighter on the outside. I plan on putting these in a large clay pot today.) And, if time allows, I may even steal some time in the kitchen (I am RARELY allowed the opportunity to cook), and make some cookies. We shall see.
So...Let's delve into the misery, that was yesterday.
After writing my post for yesterday, I put my boots on, grabbed my forearm canes, and made it all of 4 steps, before going down. (It was a mix of the tendonitis, which made holding the canes damn near impossible, and the twisted ankle.) Eventually, I made it to my feet, and out to the car (which my sweetie pulled right up, to the house).
Physical therapy.
I tell the therapist, as soon as I start my session, that my right ankle is in a considerable amount of pain. So, naturally, that becomes a friggin fascination, for the day. As soon as I say this, the therapist puts his hand on my right ankle, and starts rolling it. (You can imagine the friendly words, that flew in his direction.)
I was asked to walk, while in my session. They wanted me to use just one cane, and do 4 laps. I tried telling them that I, personally, did not see this as a good idea. But, they just chose to not listen. No, no...It is (apparently) quite a laugh, to see a 6 foot 2 man, go tumbling down. I took all of one step, and sank to the ground. I landed in such a way, that I hurt my right ankle, even more. (Once again, friendly dialogue, came from my mouth...If you count the whole 'F' Bomb, friendly, that is.) I was helped back up, and told to sit down. (Gee...You think that is a good idea!)
An hour later, my therapy session (a.k.a. Hour of Torture) ended.
I won't bore you, by going into how many times I fell, trying to get out of the office, to the car. Let's just say this. I fell enough yesterday, to more than make up for all the fall free days, I have had, in the past.
I get home.
I climb up on my chaise, and put ice on my ankle. And, I (attempt to) work on the fish pillow.
Well, this in itself, was a nightmare. (I honestly believe that yesterday should have been titled 'Michael's Super Shitty Friday! Really...ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING WAS COMPLETELY WRONG!)
Well...You all know that my tendonitis was wreaking complete havoc, on both of my wrists. I honestly felt as though someone was using my wrists as pincushions.
And, worse just got worse.
I pick up my red loom, and instantly I see a problem, that was not present, when I quit working, the night before. A problem that made me want to FRIGGIN cry. A problem, that sent me into a complete meltdown mode, where I IMMEDIATELY went about showing that I do, in fact, know how to properly pronounce each and every curse word, in the English language.
I had, as I said yesterday, finished half of the first set of directions. You start off with 20 loops, on the loom. And, you decrease, until you have 6. I had 12 loops of yarn, on the loom, as of Thursday night, when I stopped working.
Yesterday, There were a total of 9 loops of yarn, on the loom. Three loops had (somehow) come off the pegs, and were now COMPLETELY friggin lost. (I will say this. One of the people who live in my house, was over at the chaise, looking at my work, after I stopped Thursday night. I would DEFINITELY not put it past this person, to tamper with the loom. It is their idea of fun, to dick around with things, that are not theirs, to mess with.)
I screamed so loud, that I am sure all of Winchester heard it, as I took the remaining 9 loops off the loom, and started the whole damned process, all over again. (I will say this. I will no longer be leaving any of my yarnie supplies, out in the open. When I am done looming, I will take my stuff, to my room, where NO surprises, will go down.)
I got all of 4 rows done, before I had to call it quits. I now have 18 loops of yarn, on the loom. I was hoping to do a bit more work, but my wrists would have none of it.
My sweetie walked in, and saw me, still friggin fuming on the chaise.
"What's wrong?"
"I had to start the whole damned thing, ALL OVER AGAIN!" (The person who I honestly believe tampered with my shit was in the living room, and I screamed loud enough to be sure they heard.) "Three (insert bad word here) loops decided to friggin MAGICALLY come off the loom! Imagine that!" (The whole time I spoke, I glared at the person, in question.)
(I should say here the reason, I believe this person is responsible. They will go to the washing machine, when I am washing clothes, and open the door. Then, they will close the door again, and not start the machine back up. They won't tell me this has been done. It is a game. Also, they will delete shows, from the TV, that they know I want to watch. And so, removing loops of yarn, from my loom, is not really that far out of their league.)
Knowing I was done for the day, I packed up my loom, yarn, and hook, and hauled it off to my room.
It was roughly 6pm, and I decided to take a nice HOT bath. As usual, I completely pampered myself. Bath salts. Bubbles. Candles. Wine. (How girlie am I, when it comes to indulging, in a nice bath. I mean, wow!) I sat in the hot water, and I could feel the pain in my ankle, and wrists, just melt away. I listened to nice, relaxing music. (Which definitely put me in a better mood than I was in, when first going to take my bath.) I watched the flames, of the candles, as they flickered. I sipped away, on the wine.
It was heaven. Complete bliss. After a day of complete hell, where disasters waited around EVERY corner, this nice bath was just what I needed.
I got out, feeling 100% better.
As for today...Well, my wrists are in good shape, and I will (hopefully) get a lot done, on the fish pillow. After writing this, I will have a quick breakfast, spend an hour or two with the loom, work in the garden for a bit, then go back to looming.
And, I will keep my loom under LOCK and KEY!
Well, that is it, for today...I have a lot to get done.
Happy looming!

loom, relax, part 2, enemy, memoir, pattern, tamper, upset, yarn, meltdown, blog, book, timeline, recover, workbook, yarnie, time span, timeframe, project, loom knit, pain

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