The One-Cane Yarnie

Feb 22, 2011 09:50

Last night, I did not sleep well. No, not at all!
There was an assortment, of different things, that made sleep very uneasy, for me.
First, my feet. They were OVERLY sensitive, last night. I have this medication, to help relax the nerves, in my feet. Usually, one of these little pills, is all that I need. I pop one, before climbing into bed, and my feet do not give me the slightest bit of trouble. The nerves completely relax, and all is good.
But, not last night.
I took my pill, and climbed into bed. Well...The pill did not work, AT ALL! My feet were not just sensitive. No, sir. The nerves were working, overtime. Every little thing bothered me. Hell...Even having a sheet, over my feet, was enough to drive me COMPLETELY bonkers! On top of the sensitivity, my left foot went into spasms. It would jerk, every 5 minutes, or so.
It was just AWFUL! I was COMPLETELY drained. All I wanted to do, was go to sleep. But, my DAMNED feet, would simply NOT ALLOW IT!
Eventually (at some time, close to 1 am), I was able to go to sleep.
Enter the nightmare.
What a horrible little monster, this was!
I had this very real nightmare, that I did not successfully finish The Yarn Project. June 9, 2012 came, and I was still PROJECTS away, from meeting my deadline. I was sitting on the chaise, crying...I had failed! I had let myself (and my readers) completely DOWN! And, in this nightmare, my sweetheart was quite the insensitive ass, about the whole thing.
"Well," my not-so-sweet sweetie said, "I knew this would happen. I knew you would let EVERYONE down! YOU ALWAYS LET EVERYONE DOWN! YOU ARE A COMPLETE LOSER!"
I woke up, from the hell of this nightmare. I looked at the clock. It was just after 4:30, in the morning. And, while I was still EXHAUSTED, I knew there was NO WAY IN HELL, that I was getting back to sleep. Not after that nightmare.
I got up out of bed, and made some coffee. I have (so far) downed 3 1/2 cups. And, I watched myself some QVC, until the sun came up. (Yes, actually. I would like new plants, for my garden!)
I predict that, at some point today, there will MOST DEFINITELY be a nap!
Yesterday, I successfully walked around, using just one cane. I was fall free, yet again. YAY! I walked around the property. (It is weird...It seems almost easier to walk with 1 cane, instead of 2.) And, I took it a step further.
It was off to the grocery store, where I would walk the whole friggin store, using only 1 cane.
Returning home, from the store, I immediately plopped down on my chaise. I was tired. My feet were killing me. But, I had walked quite a bit, WITH ONE CANE! (Yeah...I am pretty sure that this is why my feet were rebelling, last night.)
It was after 3pm, when I finally settled down, and got some yarn time in.
Now then...I got quite a few responses, to yesterday's entry. (Actually, yesterday, my post got more comments, than any post I have made before.) Of those responses, a few readers told me to just ditch the Homespun yarn. I was told to just find another yarn, and start the scarf over, with a yarn that is less of a total BEAST, to work with.
I must say, I was more than a little bit tempted.
But, I cannot. I am STUCK, using the Homespun yarn, for two very valid ( least in my opinion) reasons. 1) My mom already saw the scarf being worked, in this yarn. She is completely STOKED, about the scarf, and the yarn. And, even though I hate it, my sweetie and my mom know that, when it comes to yarn, they can get just about anything. (I should say here that I have decided to HIDE my book, when I leave the chaise. Shhh...I put it underneath the afghan, draped on the chaise. Don't tell.) Reason number 2) I am completely stubborn. I will NOT let this yarn get the best of me. DAMMIT! I WILL WORK THIS SCARF, USING THIS YARN! Because, let's face it- If I can learn to walk again, after spending YEARS in a wheelchair, then BY GOD, I can work a FRIGGIN scarf, using the HORRIBLE Homespun yarn! This wicked yarn has become a metaphor, for learning to walk. Sure...There may be some troublesome moments. BUT, I WILL DO IT!
And yes. Chances are I will curse, more than a little bit, as I work on this scarf. But really...Haven't we come to expect that?
As I worked on this project, I looked at page 57, of the book. It tells me that this is a project, that can be worked quickly. Well...This got me laughing! 'Can be worked quickly...' I thought, still laughing. '...Unless your name is Michael, and you have decided to use Homespun yarn!Then, you are just plum out of luck!'
I continued work.
About an hour later, my mom came over, to see the progress I had made on her scarf.
"Looking good," she said. I looked at her, with confusion.
How the hell, could it look 'good'? There isn't of it, to look ANYTHING, yet! I mean, I only have about 5 inches of it, completed. Wait until I have finished AT least 15 inches, or so, until making such comments.
"While you are working," my mother asked, "can I thumb through the book?"
"Nope!" I didn't even look at her, as I gave my answer. I just kept working.
"Why not?"
"Because, I know what 'thumbing through it' means. You will decide that you want yet another thing, from it. And, my list of projects will continue to grow. Let us remember, I have a DEADLINE! Besides...You already have me making a scarf, for you. (I felt like telling her that the scarf was being made, with yarn that I detest, but I managed to leave that part out.) I am also making a Ruana, for you. Enough, is enough!"
She looked at me, for a minute. It seemed like she wanted to throw a comeback at me. But really, there was no comeback to throw. So, she just walked away.
I worked on the scarf, for a while longer. Eventually, the Homespun yarn began to stress me out, just like it did the day before. So, I decided that, for the sake of my sanity, I needed to call it a day.
It was just after 5:30, and I decided to go take a bath.
I grabbed myself a glass of wine, and off to the bath, it was.
I must say...My botched, crooked washcloth, worked just fine. While it is ugly, it certainly does the trick.
I got out, put on my PJ's, and visited my stash for a while. I pet all my yarn.
As for today...
I will spend a good part of my day, out in my garden. I will pull weeds, and make everything all perfect. Then, I will go to my chaise, and tackle the scarf from hell!
And, that is about it.
Time for me to go...I am starving.
Happy looming!

timespan, walking, 8 months, loom, miracle, workbooks, part 2, memoir, pattern, recovery, yarn, madness, blog, timeline, yarnie, 2 years, stress, books, timeframe, scarf, project, loom knit, deadline, 3 methods

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