(no subject)

Feb 13, 2011 09:30

Last night, I went to bed, EXTREMELY stressed out. As I tried to get to sleep, I kept thinking about this part, of the Project. This, of course, would lead to tossing, turning, and cursing. 'What the HELL was I thinking?' It was a thought, that ran through my head, more than once. Part of me wished, that time travel was, in fact, a possibility. I would jump into a time machine, and go back to June 9, 2010. I would find 'past Michael', sitting on a couch, with his netbook on his lap. I would go straight up, to past-me, and beg myself, to just think about it. JUST FOR A MOMENT!
'This will be FUN! THIS WILL BE A PIECE OF CAKE!' These are things, that I very clearly remember thinking, at the beginning of this Project. Fun, yes...At times, The Yarn Project is fun. But, a piece of cake? HAHAHA!!! How naive I was. This is no piece of cake.
Yesterday, I looked at my loom knitting book. It turns out, that I left quite of bit, off of my schedule, that NEEDED to be on it. So, I went to my profile, and added all the lessons, that had been left off. More Cast Ons. Knit & Purl. Knit & Purl Combinations. Creating Flat Panels. Painting With Yarn. Etc...
As the list, of things to do, continued to grow, I went into shock. 'The list of lessons and projects, is friggin ongoing!'
Suddenly, the loom knitting part, of The Yarn Project, became that much more intimidating. And, it kept me from sleep.
Well...that is, until the Xanax. After that, I was able to go to sleep.
This morning, as I write this out (with my coffee on the desk, next to me), my view has changed. Sure, there is a lot, to do. And, part of me knows that, as I make some projects, my mom, and sweetie will declare that they simply MUST HAVE it. So, just as with the socks, I am sure that some projects, will be made more than once. But, this morning, I am seeing this, in a whole new light.
The Yarn Project shouldn't be 'just a breeze'. I mean, really...where is the fun, in that? I would rather The Yarn Project test me...I want it to push me, to my limits. I want it to be overwhelming. Well...Now, it is!
Ok...So, yesterday.
After posting my entry, I got to go to my lys, Daily Fiber Yarn Co. (Now, I had called up, the day before, just to see if they would have yarn, that I needed, for a project, which is soon to come. While on the phone, I told the lady, that I was writing a blog. She seemed very interested, and so, I gave her my blog address.) I walked inside, and took in the sight. OH, ALL THE YARN!
"Oh my goodness!" A lady, with brown hair, rose from a table. "You're HIM!" She came over to me. "You are Michael...The young man, writing the blog!" And, just like that, I was introduced to other yarnies, in the store. This lady led me over to the shop owner, and introduced us. "He is writing a WONDERFUL blog, where he is working on a deadline! He is recovering from surgery, and has decided that, while recovering, he is going to learn to work with yarn, using three different styles!"
The shop keeper looked at me. She smiled a huge smile. "That is wonderful! A blog...Well, I will have to read it. And, how clever, to have thought up such an idea!"
For the rest of the visit, I felt like I was some sort of local celebrity. It was completely amazing!
And, I walked out, with 4 skeins of yarn. The shop keeper told me that, while the book asked for alpaca yarn, for the socks, it would not be practical, for my area. (Which you have all, already told me.) She then showed me some Berroco Comfort Chunky yarn, bulky weight. It is a blend of 50% super fine nylon, and 50% super fine acrylic. (And it is FRIGGIN soft, as anything.) I decided to get 2 skeins of chocolate brown, and 2 skeins of royal blue. (This will be enough for the three pairs of socks.) The price of each skein, was $6.25. Well...It was labeled that way. I, however, scored a GREAT deal. 50% off, the total price. I paid a total of $13.62 for all 4 skeins. HOW FRIGGIN COOL IS THAT?
I left the yarn shop, with my bag of yarn, in my hand, and a big ego boost! It doesn't get any better, than that...Does it?
A few more errands...Then it was time, to head home.
My sweetie and uncle, went to the Moose Lodge, last night. That left me, alone in the house. No noise...no distractions. Just me, and the looms.
So...Before actually starting any work, last night, I looked at some of the patterns. It turns out, that I am going to need 2 more looms, for this 8 month span. I am going to need a blue loom (sock loom). It has a total of 24 pegs on it. And, I am going to need a gigantic yellow loom, with a whopping 41 pegs on it.
Needless to say, I am not happy! I thought that the loom set I had purchased, was complete. Well, I guess I was wrong. How very typical!
Last night, I did a TON of work.
First, I tackled the half stitch.
Now, then. According to Isela Phelps, the half stitch produces a thicker stitch, than the double. However, in my experience, this stitch is way LOOSER than the double. I mean, the double seemed way thicker. Maybe it is just me...I don't know?
So, to make this stitch, you do the following. You cast on, to your loom (using the e-wrap cast on, method). Then, you wrap each peg three more times, giving a grand total of 4 loops of yarn, per peg. You then work you way around the loom, removing the bottom 2 loops, from each peg. For each round, that follows, you wrap each peg 2 times, and remove the bottom two loops.
One problem, I encountered. The yarn gets VERY tight, while working this stitch. It was a CONSTANT STRUGGLE, as I attempted to remove the bottom loops, from the pegs. At 3 different points, the yarn broke, and I had to begin the whole damned process, all over again. (I can already tell you, I am not going to love this stitch!!!) Another problem...Tendonitis. As I struggled, to remove the loops, from the pegs, tendonitis came by, for a little visit. Oh, what fun!!!
Eventually, I finished my sample piece, of the half stitch. And, as I looked at it, hanging from the loom, I could not help but think that it looked like a basketball net. (Anyone up for hoops?)
Ok...So the half stitch was done. Time to move on. It was time to learn finishing.
The gather bind off. As I looked at this page, with its directions, and diagrams, I got a HUGE pit, in my stomach. Even though the words made sense, I was BEYOND intimidated! What if I screwed this up? What if, when I removed this sample piece, from my loom, it just fell apart? What if the gather bind off, isn't effective? What if? What if? What if???
I rose from the chaise, and went to get myself a beer. Dammit...if I was going to do this, well then...I needed to relax. I took a gulp of the beer, and proceeded. I worked a strand of yarn, trough the loops, on each peg. (That was the easy part...After all, the loops were STILL ON THE PEGS!) Then, with sweat dripping, at the sides of my face, I began. I plucked the loops, from the pegs, with all the graceful precision, of a brain surgeon, performing an operation. (There was no room for error.)
All the loops, were off the loom! And...it DIDN'T FALL APART!
(It was in this moment, that I hated being alone, in the house. This was DEFINITELY one of those moments, where I wanted to laugh out loud, like a complete maniac, and hug someone, while screaming out: "I did it! I removed my work from a loom!" Oh well...At least I go to do the 'laugh out loud' thing.)
After this, I also learned how to weave in the tail ends. This was beyond easy.
Then, I grabbed some white yarn, and reworked a sample piece, of the single stitch. I did this, just so I could learn how to do the basic bind off.
And, there is one thing I have to say, about the basic bind off. IT IS MONOTONOUS! I mean, it was just painful, to work. I could not stop yawning, as I did the basic bind off.
Half stitch, down. Gather Bind Off, down. Basic Bind Off, down. And, Weaving In Tail Ends, down.
As for today...
I will learn the chunky braid stitch, and the Yarn Over Bind Off. Then, I will read the two pages (36-37) dedicated, to Gauge!
First Project...I will see you soon!
Happy looming!

timespan, learn, stitches, 8 months, loom, loom knitting, part 2, memoir, yarn, blog, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, 2 years, record, write, timeframe, writing, loom knit, deadline

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