Leaps & Bounds (In Recovery, and Yarn)

Jan 07, 2011 10:06

It is 9:10, as I start this. The sky outside is gray, and chilly. I think that the sun is going to take another day off. I actually find myself HOPING that it rains. I LOVE THE RAIN. There is something almost...magical, about it. (I know, I know...I sound nutty, don't I?)
I am having my second cup of coffee, as I type this up. And, I am ROYALLY thrilled!
Yesterday, I got like 30+ comments. Some of them were on yesterday's entry. Some were on a short little piece, I put in a forum. WOW!!! 30+ comments. That is like GROUNDBREAKING for me! Yay, me! (I grab my walker, and do a rather shaky Happy Dance.)
First things first.
Yesterday, I got myself some new medical equipment. It was evening, as the UPS truck, rolled up the dirt road, and stopped outside the gate, of my house. A long, narrow box...that was the package, being dropped off. It was brought inside. And, with all the excitement of a child, with a Christmas present, I TORE into the box. Out they came!
Yesterday, I got myself canes. I am not exactly sure what the correct name, for the canes, is. They are those canes, that fit up, around the forearm.
I looked at them, with equal amounts of excitement, and fear. I was excited, because my doctor thought that I was ready to go onto the next step. These canes will force me to balance myself, in a way that the walker does not. I was fearful, because, if I fall, I could do some damage. I mean, even the house presented some scary situations. Take the sharp edges, of the counters, for example.
"Give em' a try, honey!" My baby cheered me on.
"You can do this," my mom, chimed in.
I grabbed the canes, and placed my arms, in them. And, I started moving.
I was walking...with the canes. I thought I would fall on my ass, with the first step. Surely, there was NO way, this was going to be something, I just PICKED UP, on the first try.
But I did! Step after step. I walked, with these canes, with all the ease of someone, who has done so, for a long while. It was easy. And, you know what? Not once, did I lose my balance.
From relying on the walker, to now transitioning, to using the canes, full-time. I call that HUGE!
So...Now, let's switch gears, and talk yarn.
Yesterday, as you know, I visited Walmart. I made a bee-line, to the yarn. I was there, for one purpose, and one alone. I was there, to get all the stuff, I need, to make the lion.
I already have a skein of Red Heart yarn, in Buff. This yarn will be used to make the front, of the lion. For the back of the lion, as well as the arms, legs, ears, and tail, I bought a skein of Red Heart Cafe. For the mane, a ball of Lion Brand Fun Fur, in copper. The yarn was easy to find. With the two new skeins, in my cart, I headed out of the yarn aisle. Now, time to find the eyes.
I went to the buttons, and there they were. Easy enough to find. And, as luck would have it, it was the last pack of them. I quickly grabbed them (as if, somehow, someone was going to magically appear, and snake them up.)
My mom told me she had fiberfill, so no need to buy that.
We made it through Walmart, in a matter of fifteen minutes. Talk about breakneck speed!
When I got home, I tucked all the stuff, for the lion (as well as the pattern), in my craft bag.
I grabbed a beer, and plopped myself down, on the wonderfully comfy chaise.
I am happy to report that yesterday, I got three rounds done, on the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw. And, you know what? I actually had FUN, doing this work! (That's right, you read that correctly...I had FUN, while working on the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw. I know...Shocker, right?) So...5 more rounds to go.
And, honestly, I would have been able to do more, if my canes hadn't arrived. But, once they were here, all I had on the brain, was learning how to use them.
As for today...
Well, at 5pm, I am supposed to be meeting a friend. We will be teaming up, at the mall. Our first stop, will be to a restraunt, with a full bar. My opinion...you can't start shopping, until you have a margarita, in your system.
But, I have quite a bit of time, between now and 5. So, the typical...Once done here, I will take a nice bath, and then, breakfast. Today's menu: Egg Sandwich. Simple, but satisfying.
Then, it is off to the chaise, so I can get cracking, at the Bright Nights Wrap Throw. I hope to get a bit done on it, today. We shall see how much crocheting, I can accomplish.
Well, that is it, for today.
Happy crocheting!

hooks, 8 months, workbooks, crocheted, yarn, blog, timeline, crochet, yarnie, 2 years, memoire, books, timeframe, crocheting, part one, deadline

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