
Nov 14, 2010 10:08

I woke up this morning, at the ungodly hour of 4 am. My sweetie-pie had, somehow, managed to steal away my blankets. I was beyond FREEZING cold. I wanted to scream "GIVE ME SOME FRIGGIN BLANKETS!" But, knowing that this action, would instantly nominate me for the "Dick-Of-The-Year" award, I kept quiet. Besides, even if I did manage to recover some of the, well...covers, I still would not have been able to get back to sleep. Nope! Not with the horrible pains of tendonitis, that were present in my left wrist. So, I climbed out of bed.
I set about, with the usual morning routine. I made coffee...watched QVC. Then, it hit me, like a ton of bricks.
I became all too aware of it.
Next Wednesday, I have my surgery.
It is horrible, to know that you have a surgery, looming. I swore I would not get nervous. And, just days ago, I was surprised with my "cool as a cucumber" outlook. Well...that didn't last long. Now, I am in "The Countdown."Every single minute, since about 4:15, this morning, I have been completely focused on the surgery, in my future.
I know...I know. Surgery is something NOBODY likes. So, I am not all alone, when I say I am TERRIFIED! And, I know that I will come through this. This surgery is nowhere near as invasive, as my last.
Still though...it is SURGERY!
So, I have my Tuesday, all lined up. Tuesday will officially be knows as "The Pre-Surgery Party Day." It will be a day, where I do super fun things. Things that fill up every hour of the day. Things that pre-occupy my mind. I will get a massage. I will crochet (always a great filler.) I will go shoe-shopping. I will have no less than 4 margaritas. (Hey...I can drink all I want, until about 9pm.) And, I will order up a pizza, which will be the Pre-Surgery Dinner.
Live it up, Michael.
Now...as for my hospital stay.
I have told my family that there had better be flowers, a balloon, a bear, and yarn, waiting for me, when I wake up. I have given my list of demands. Let's see if they are met.
So...to the topic, that brings you guys back, day in and day out. Let's talk yarn.
Yesterday, I was a crochet fool. I managed to get a bit done, on my wavy blanket. I was on my chaise lounge, with my dog curled up at the foot of it, and a beer on the coffee table. And, as I crocheted, I was the one man version, of Christmas Carols FM. I was in my mode. My mom passed me, half way through my Frosty The Snowman bit, and gave me a look that said it all. You have OFFICIALLY lost it.
So...I have to say...
When I started The Yarn Project, this particular project was not one of the ones that I looked forward to. Truth be told, I just didn't think the whole wavy blanket bit was me. I mean, I have seen a TON of these blankets. In thrift stores, in LYS, in Fair collections, and on Etsy. And, they never really impressed me, all that much.
But, I chose to do it, because...well, it was something practical. I mean, little lap blankets can always be used, during th cooler nights, right?
Who would have known?
I am not sure why, or even how...but I love this wavy blanket. It went from a project I didn't look forward to, to a project that I find wonderful.
Even my neighbor...my cynical neighbor, has absolutely NOTHING bad, to say, about this blanket. And, if you have been reading me, since the beginning, you will know this is a rare thing, indeed.
Tomorrow, I have my last therapy appointment, for a while. And, after that appointment, I will be doing a quick run to JoAnn's. I need more of the soft white yarn. I really thought one skein would be enough. Boy, I was wrong! Good news...I have a 50 % off coupon. HELL YES!!!
As for today...
Well, breakfast is needed. I am starving. I am going to try my hand at poached eggs. I will also be making waffles. YUM!
Then, I will spend my day doing laps, around the yard (gotta get some walking time in), and crocheting.
So, I am off. Until tomorrow.
Happy crocheting.

operation, holiday, yarnie, crochet, wavy blanket, red heart, fiber, crocheted, foot, crocheting, surgery, pattern, acrylic, yarn, hook

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