Nov 05, 2010 10:18
Yarn talk will come...
First, the much anticipated BItch-Fest.
I live in a world of hypocrisy.A world where people feel they can condemn me, for all the things I don't do (not acknowledging all that I do), while I am supposed to keep quiet, and not pay attention, to all the things that they promise to do, but never 'get around to.' I live in a world, where people often say "I'll do it...I'll do it...I'll do it", when in fact, what they really mean is, "If I wait long enough, you will wind up doing it, for me." I live in a world, where I am ALWAYS supposed to have done ONE MORE THING, despite all that I may have done. My chore list, apparently, in NEVER full enough.
And finally...
I live in a world, where it is assumed that, when my family has to go out, and my Uncle doesn't want to, I will be the one to stay home, and play 'babysitter.' Nobody even friggin asks if I may want to go. After all, who will stay home, and watch Uncle? Who will stay home, and play the merry homemaker?
Oh, I know...MICHAEL!
You may be asking where the hell, I pulled this from. Let me explain.
My mother has an appointment, today, to go see her surgeon. After this appointment, her, and two other family members, will be going to a few stores...STORES THAT I LOVE! And, guess where I will be. Home, playing babysitter. Was I asked? NOPE! It's just an assumption. After all, my Uncle can't be left alone. And, Heaven friggin forbid that I, for once, get to go someplace, That might me all hell has, in fact, broken loose. No, I better stay here. Better take care of my Uncle.
Then, there is the housework.
It is very upsetting. I mean, when a family member says, for two FRIGGIN weeks, that they will clean a specific part of the house, wouldn't you believe that, sooner or later, they would get around to it? Well, guess again. After all, why actually DO it, when, if you keep waiting and waiting, it will eventually get done, for you?
So, here I am...babysitting and cleaning the friggin house. And, when it is all said and done, if I go and sit, to work with yarn, well...I get called lazy. I am told to be productive.
How does that work?
Welcome to my friggin world. Isn't it grand?
This morning, there was NO time to crochet. Chances are I won't get to, for the next few hours.
I am ROYALLY pissed!
Well, I can say this, right now. I am not catering to my Uncle, in any friggin way. NO BREAKFAST. NO NOTHING! This babysitter is highly cranky!
There now. Take a deep breath. Center. Close your eyes, Micheal. Count to ten.
And, just like that, my bitch-fest is over.
Now then...Let's switch gears, here, and go to the wonderful world of yarn.
Yesterday, I managed to get quite a bit of work done, on my wavy blanket. I am loving working with white yarn. It is a godsend. I mean, I can actually work at night time, It is just awesome.
And, this project is great. The highest I have to count to, with this project, is 5. So, I am actually able to be around people, who are talking, without it presenting too much of a problem. It is wonderful.
Last night, as I was working with my size "I" clay-handled hook, I started thinking. I began to think that it would be wonderful, if I could manage to get a hook, in all the basic sizes, with a clay handle. It really does make all the difference. But, clay-handled hooks are, sad to say, not cheap. So, this thought will remain just that...A thought.
It is kind of funny. the next thought, that popped in my head, last night, was will be, to be in the hospital, after my surgery. I mean, I will be confined to a bed. No chores to do. No people telling me to get off my productive, yadda yadda. Nope. Just me, on a bed, with nothing to do, but crochet. No interruptions. How delightful, that will be. While I am not looking forwatrd to surgery, I most definately, am looking forward to my hospital stay. Is that just wrong, or what?
Well...time to go, I guess. Lot's to do. Maybe, at some point during the day, I can actually have some time, to crochet. We shall see.
Happy crocheting!
wavy blanket.,