A Busy Day...Soon, I'll Crochet!

Nov 01, 2010 18:54

Another evening writing session. It is 6:13 pm, and daylight is fading. The sky, outside my window is an odd color. Not quite the rich, dark hues of night, but not a sky of light, either. It is a murky combination, of colors. I look out my window, and I think to myself: This is HONESTLY the ugliest sky, I have ever seen. It looks like some watercolor painting...One where the artist used a dirty brush, and all the colors, provided. Not pretty. No, not at all.
So...Before I get too far in, let me say, with fair warning, that I will not be blogging, tomorrow. There simply will not be time. My mom is coming home, tomorrow. I have my own pre-op, tomorrow. The day is completey full, before it has even started.
Now, as for today...
Well, I got a little bit of crochet time in, earlier this morning, before I headed out, for my therapy appointment. My Wavy Baby Blanket. What can I say about it? Well...It is growing on me. I look at it...at the wavy pattern, of it. I look at the color combination, I have chosen. And, it is beautiful. (And, now that I have abandoned the INSANE instructions, provided by the book, I am no longer getting annoyed, as I work this project.) I managed to get a full two rows done, before it was time to head out.
After my appointment...well, there was a crap-load, of other errands, to run. First, it was food shopping. Two grocery stores, where my family did the very thing, that annoys the hell out of me. They zigged, and zagged, through the stores. We would be at the back of the store, then they would forget...something was needed, up front. So, up front, we would go. Then to the back. To the front. To the back. To the front. To the...well, I am sure you get the idea. If my hair was not thinning, and I had enough to spare, I am sure I would have pulled a fair amount out, today. I swear... a snail could have gone through the stores, at a rate much faster, than we were able.  And the whole time, I wanted to do one thing. I wanted to whine. Just like that little kind, flailing his hands, in the shopping cart. Well, kiddo...I feel your pain. I am trapped, in this damned store, too. And, kiddo...don't believe mommy. There is no cookie, when this shopping experience, is done.
After a hellish eternity of shopping, it was off to get the car washed. Then, it was time to come home.
But, did I get to crochet?
I cleaned the kitchen. I worked my way through a brand new sponge. By the time I was done, it was little more, than a cushy yellow crumb. The counters are so clean, they come close to sparkling. The stainless steel stove, and fridge, now shine so brilliantly, they threaten to blind anyone, who looks at them.  The table got an hour of attention. The floors were not JUST mopped. Nope. I soaked them. Any bacteria, which might have been on the floor, has no doubt, been DROWNED!
Then, I had some fun, with my good friend, Pillsbury.
Chocolate cake.
After all, what 'WELCOME HOME' celebration, would be complete, without a nice cake?
So, just in case my cleaning frenzy did not give me enough of that Stepford image, it was time to strap on the apron (a MANLY apron, you can be assured), and start baking.
The cake is perfection. I am sure she will love it. Tomorrow, before my pre-op, I plan to go, and gather roses, from our garden. I will be placing them in a vase, to go in her room.
Hmmm....This feels weird.
I mean, isn't this blog supposed to be about yarn? I could swear, that was the idea.
Well, after I write here, I will be going back to my project. It has been on the couch, waiting for me. I cannot go on, ignoring it.
I am happy to say that I have, at this point, used all three colors. I can honestly say that, as I work on this Holiday blanket, I find myself humming out Christmas jingles. Just this morning, I was merrily stitching hunter green, and whistling that delightful song, about good old Frosty.
There is something I have to admit, here.
I love looking at a project, when I first come to it, and thinking that there is no way, in hell, that I will be able to do it. That is right. Some people use happy things, as motivational tools. But not me, my friends. Nope! DOUBT motivates me. Then, there comes that THIS IS SO EASY moment, and I feel like The Million Dollar Yarnie. Confidence builds, and for a moment, there is nothing, that I can't do.
Well, let me say, I am sure you guys are going to LOVE this blanket, when it is revealed. Even in its current, EARLY stage, there is one word that PERFECTLY describes it- Stunning!
Well, that is it, for today. Time to go, sit under a light, and get some much needed yarn play in. I will write again on Wednesday. Until then...
Happy crocheting!

3, learn, instructions, influence, hooks, 8 months, broomstick lace, surprise, yarn, treble, experiment, practice, single stitch, annoy, healing, yarnie, work, tunisian, denied, afghan, enjoyment, 3 methods, two years, design, caron, attempt, blog, meltdown, bitch, wrong, patterns, cotton, fear, schedule, document, methods, treble stitch, afghan stitch, funny, crochet fork, felting, serious, specialty item, complete, welcome, fiber, book, colorful, single crochet, white, job, ego, support, record, memory, project, half double, alteration, blanket, intrude, amateur, addicted, mother, expensive, three methods, books, craft, create, knowledge, part 1, hook, respect, knit, comments, throw, crochet hook, loom, red heart, double stitch, tools, surgery, lessons, comedy, 2 years, stress, fans, log, deadline, change, hobbies, blinding, diagrams, joining yarn, crocheted, list, angry, madness, needles, education, projects, double crochet hook, heirloom, lesson, humor, stitch, cro-hook, pin, fun, stitches, livejournal, pattern, ravelry, memoir, acrylic, dark, bernat, timeline, three, workbook, teach, boye, challenge, detained, freak, wool, wintuk, broke, plan, bitchy, learning, shocked, wavy blanket, eight months, knitting needles, skein, lapghan, obsessed, 2, educate, knitting, teaching, crochet, sample, hobby, time, timeframe, crocheting, affirmation, fit, update, treasure

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