Two More

Oct 20, 2010 12:22

Isn't it insane, how the day can just fly, right on by? I mean, it seems like I just woke up. It seems like just minutes ago, I forced myself to look at the clock, on my nightstand. 8:00 am. The red blinking lights, confirmed that I had slept well past my usual time, of waking up. I literally had to pull myself out of bed. And, rare as it is, I had to actually wake my dog up. He had slept right on through his routine. There was no Let Me The Hell Out dance. There was no high pitched barking. There was no licking my head.(I swear, my dog must have been a cat, in a past life.) Nope! He was still tucked under the blankets, snoring way louder than any small dog should ever snore. My God...Talk about a fog horn.
I got up, made coffee (of which I immediately downed 2 cups.) I took a quick bath. I made breakfast (scrambled eggs, covered with cheese, and home-made waffles.) And, after eating, I looked at a clock. Bam! It is now 11:45. Where the hell did the time go? It is just crazy! That is the only way I can explain it.
So, my mother, as it turns out, will not be coming home for, at least, a bit longer. She is being transferred to a healthcare facility, that will give her the daily physical therapy she needs. I am very happy to report that she is doing very well. But, there is still a bit more work that needs to be done, before she will be ready to come home.
I know this may sound completely lame (as I am 28, and still living at home), but what the hell. I miss her. I mean, she just has this aura. She is the type of person who wakes up, way early in the morning. She is the type of mother who, each and every day, brings joy and laughter, to the house. Without her here, well...things just seem odd.
As I write this, I look around the living room. There is a new coating of dust, on everything. (Oh, the joy of living on a dirt road.) So, at some point today, I will go over everything with a duster, yet again., let's see here. I have talked of my morning. I wrote about my lazy ass dog. I wrote about my mom. Hmmm...what is missing?
Oh, right? The yarn! to start the yarn talk off, let me just say this. As I am sure many yarnies already know, working with dark colors is a real bitch. I mean, you have a very limited time of the day, when you can actually see the yarn. Once the sun is gone, you could drive yourself blind, working with dark yarn.
Well, yesterday, I was working with my brown yarn. And, there was no sun. That is right...the sun just flat out took a one day vacation. It was gloomy outside...rainy. The skies were gray. And there I was, on the living room floor, squinting my eyes, to the point of damn-near closing them. I brought the hook, and yarn up to my face, holding it only a few inches from my eyes. Nope...that didn't work. That just made it a blurry mess, of way dark colored yarn. Hell, I even turned on the light. I mean, you would think that would help, right. Well, think again. Withe the light, came shadows. These shadows made it even worse, trying to crochet with my  brown yarn.
But, I pushed through it. And, at approximately 4pm, I had accomplished not one, but two things. One: I had made a brown panel, which I then stitched to the afghan. Two: I had given myself a headache, from hell.
5pm, and two screwdrivers later (vodka, in some weird way, will remove a headache.) I picked out a blue yarn, different from the horrible skein, I was working with yesterday.
This skein decided to play nice. It did not test me in any way...not even visually. I could clearly see what I was doing, as I began working on yest another panel. I created my foundation chain, and began to hum some jolly old tune (which I am sure I have heard somewhere...I just dont know WHERE.) After I grew tired of humming, I flipped on the TV.
Friday The 13th. I don't know about you...but it was a perfect movie, to crochet to.
So, here I am, on the couch, working a panel of blue treble. And, I am laughing my ass off. There is something so ROYALLY funny about old horror films. For example...Don't you just love the way people are screaming bloody murder, yet smiling as they do so?  And what about the scenes where someone is running away from the killer. Okay, let's run 2 feet, then pause. Take a five minute break to look behind, then run two feet, and start the process over.  MY GOD...Talk about B-Class. I love it.
So, right when some girl, whose acting could have been matched by a cucumber, was getting done in, I realized that I had finished my blue panel. "YES!" I screamed. I pulled out my afghan, and stitched it on.
Let me tell you...this afghan has become heavy, heavy, HEAVY. That isn't really surprising, though, as I have used up damn near, my whole collection of yarn, to make it. All I can say is this. My dog loves to sleep under blankets. Well...he better not try with this one. I mean, it would crush him.
So here I am, looking at my afghan, and I realize one thing. When I first started I had the thought that this afghan would be overwhelming, with all the different colors, that were going to come into play. But, you know what? In some way, it works. Yeah, it is colorful. And, is vibrant. But, it isn't overwhelming.
Then, I noticed something else. Something that made me smile, ear to ear.
There are only two more panels needed! YAY! Then, it is time to do the finishing touches- the double stitch, on the sides, and Pomp-A-Doodle, on the top and bottom.
I am going to have to bring this entry, to a close, now. I mean, the day is still moving forward, and I have an afghan to make, and dusting to do.
So, that is it for today.
Happy crocheting!

3, comments, learn, instructions, crochet hook, throw, wright, hooks, 8 months, loom, packing, double stitch, red heart, tools, broomstick lace, recovery, lessons, yarn, treble, experiment, practice, comedy, single stitch, work, tunisian, 2 years, stress, afghan, log, 3 methods, deadline, change, two years, hobbies, blinding, design, diagrams, caron, crocheted, joining yarn, list, attempt, madness, blog, meltdown, needles, projects, double crochet hook, patterns, cotton, lesson, heirloom, schedule, document, methods, treble stitch, afghan stitch, funny, cro-hook, stitch, crochet fork, fun, specialty item, stitches, fiber, livejournal, memoir, ravelry, pattern, dark, acrylic, bernat, book, needle, colorful, three, timeline, granny square, workbook, challenge, boye, teach, freak, support, record, wool, memory, 50 squares, mad, wintuk, project, plan, learning, shocked, eight months, 50, half double, knitting needles, lapghan, skein, 2, blanket, addicted, knitting, hairpin lace, teaching, crochet, chores, battle, sample, time, hobby, three methods, books, timeframe, craft, create, knowledge, crocheting, granny squares, update, part 1, hook, knit

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