My Name Is Michael. I Have A Problem.

Sep 04, 2010 09:27

Yesterday started off, perfectly.
I awoke, to the sound of water, trickling in the pond, outside my bedroom window. I peeled myself off my bed, despite wanting to stay in it, all day long. I came to the living room, had a cup of coffee, and watched some morning TV. After finishing my coffee (and reaching the end of my sitcom...oh, you just got to love TIVO!), I turned the TV off, and turned my computer on!
Through writing in my blog, I was able to release the anger my family had put me in, the day before. And, with all the family drama behind me (at least, for the day), I was able to approach my sampler afghan, with a clear head, and a calm disposition.
And, all was good!
I grabbed two more grannies, from my collection: my green and orange granny, with a star, in the center, and my "Valentine's Day" granny- bright pink in the center, dull pink next, and ending in red.  I also pulled out two skeins of yarn: peach, and purple.
My goal, yesterday, was simple. I was going to make a peach sample panel, using the half-double, double, and treble, and place it inbetween these two squares. Then, I would do a purple frame. Finally, the black frame would be added, and I would fix this piece, once finished, to my afghan.
And, until about 2 pm, everything was going, just as planned. I made the sample peach panel. I stitched one square, on either side of it. Work on the purple frame began.
And, that is where the detour came in.
We have already established the flaws of others. (Let's face it...finding flaws in others is ALWAYS such an easy thing to do.) Let's see if I remember them.
Well, to start with, my mother has Tourette Syndrome. Of that, I am sure. She still will wait, until I am right in the middle of working. Then, BAM! The random little tid-bits of useless information come about.
My sister has been titled the Evil Dictator. She rules with an iron thumb. If you are working for her, then all is good. But, Heaven forbid the moment you actually take time to do something, for yourself. Then, you are just being 'selfish' with your time. You are not socializing. Your time spent crocheting is time wasted...Time where you are just being GREEDY!
As for my Aunt...Well, let's see. She is flat out MONSTROUS! Need I say more. I mean, really. You already hear me gripe about her enough, as it is.
So, there they are...the flaws of others, laid out, and presented in a comical, real way.
As for my flaw...
Well. I seriously think I might have ADD. I mean, really.
Let me explain.
So, there I am, working on my sampler afghan, and all is good. My mom spatted off random things, until she exhausted herself. She was taking a snooze, on the couch. It was quiet. Oh...blissfully quiet. It was the perfect time, to crochet.
And, as I am plugging away, at making the purple frame, my mind takes a sharp (and VERY unexpected) detour. It flat out exits the road of crocheting.
Mom's Birthday Cruise is coming up! The thought was so clear, in my head, that I swear to God, I actually HEARD these words. Sure, she will have a blast. She will LOVE the cruise! You know she will. But, imagine how much MORE  she would love it, if you just spent a little more, and created those PERFECT FINISHING TOUCHES!
Then, it happened. As if in some strange trance, I looked at the project, that rested on my lap. Without a word, I folded it up, and put it in my craft bag. I could hear it SCREAMING at me. "MICHAEL! YOU CAN"T PUT ME AWAY! YOU ARE ON A SERIOUS DEADLINE!" I paid no attention. I put my hook away, rose from the chaise lounge (better known as Michael's Private Throne,) and I went to my bedroom, with my computer tucked under my arm.
I looked at all the goodies, the cruise line has to offer. All the special finishing touches, they can put in a cabin, to really make it POP! Flowers (bouquets of orchids, roses, and even mums.) I looked at the spa packages. Maybe I would pamper her, before her big Birthday dinner, with a manicure, or a full body massage. (Okay...starting at 200 bucks...maybe I won't!) Maybe I will get a bottle of champagne, and we can all start the cruise off right...completely BUZZED! Oh, yes...champagne sounds nice. So, a bottle was ordered.
But, was I done, there? Was it time to go back to my project, which was screaming so loudly, I am surprised mom was still asleep.
Nope! I had to get champagne glasses, didn't I. Yes, I did!
And, no ordinary champagne glasses would do.
They had to be personalized.
Shit. Let me tell you about the FRIGGIN nightmare there.
First off, I thought, as I began my search for glasses, that it would be a relatively quick deal. I would be back to crocheting, in no time flat. Right? WRONG!
Oriental Trading Company had some, but, upon reading the reviews, I discovered the glass used is very thin. And, as these glasses will be packed in luggage, that simply WILL not work. So, time to look elsewhere.
And, wouldn't you FRIGGIN know...
Everywhere else has a FRIGGIN minimum order. No, I don't need 72 damned champagne flutes, at $1.75 each! I just need 5...Got that.        F-I-V-E!
I searched, and searched...And searched. Before I knew it, nighttime was upon me, and I could hear my abandoned project, laughing at me, from inside my bag. are in so much trouble. You just WASTED a day, away! And guess what, Michael? You really needed that day! Hahaha!
So, today, I have decided what I will do.
I will work om my project, while the sun is in the sky. I really do need to go double or nothing, on this sampler, today. Then, as the night approaches, I will pop out my computer, and go on the champagne flute hunt.
Hopefully, I find the perfect flutes, tonight.
Well...that is it. Now you know. I have ADD. See...I don't just talk crap about my family. I have no problem throwing me in the shit can, too.
Ok...I have really got to go. The day is already starting, and I need to crochet, crochet, crochet.
So, until tomorrow.
Happy crocheting!

3, learn, instructions, wright, hooks, 8 months, problem, broomstick lace, surprise, yarn, treble, experiment, practice, single stitch, slow, work, tunisian, afghan, dated, enjoyment, 3 methods, two years, design, caron, attempt, blog, meltdown, fair, bitch, patterns, cotton, schedule, document, methods, treble stitch, afghan stitch, shawl, funny, crochet fork, specialty item, complete, fiber, book, needle, colorful, easy, support, record, memory, humiliated, mad, heat, project, hot, 50, half double, blanket, addicted, expensive, three methods, books, craft, create, knowledge, part 1, hook, vacation, knit, throw, crochet hook, loom, red heart, double stitch, tools, heatwave, lessons, recovery, summer, comedy, 2 years, stress, log, deadline, change, hobbies, diagrams, addition, joining yarn, crocheted, bag, list, angry, madness, susan, neglect, needles, education, projects, double crochet hook, heirloom, lesson, pillow, anger, humor, stitch, cro-hook, fun, stitches, fail, livejournal, pattern, ravelry, memoir, acrylic, bernat, timeline, three, workbook, granny square, teach, boye, challenge, freak, 50 squares, wintuk, plan, learning, eight months, knitting needles, skein, lapghan, obsessed, 2, educate, gift, knitting, hairpin lace, crochet, teaching, battle, sample, hobby, time, timeframe, crocheting, affirmation, update

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