Blanket, Blanket, Blanket...

Aug 10, 2011 09:18

Another morning, where I got to sleep in. Oh, thank God. For whatever reason, my little (normally) hyperactive dog decided to allow me the chance, to continue sleeping, until 7:53am. I was actually shocked when I woke up, and looked at the clock, beside the bed. Oh, and WHAT A GREAT sleep I had. I woke up totally relaxed, and ready to start my day.
I got myself a cup of coffee, and sat down in the blue recliner. The fog was thick outside the window. It was the PERFECT morning to work on an afghan. And, that is what I did.
So...You all know by now, that I am working the Winter Jewels Afghan, for my sweetie. And, I have FINALLY found the perfect pattern, for my mother: the Serape Afghan. Both of these are currently in the works.
I am not sure if I have told you this yet. (With all the extra things that I am forced to remember now, such as school work, it is way too hard to keep track of things, that I may have already mentioned.) As soon as we found out that my aunt was, in fact, here to stay, I started working an afghan for her, as well. Even though I was not particularly thrilled over the news, I still figured that it would be very WRONG to give an afghan to the other two inhabitants of this house, come Christmas, and not have one to give her. I am just not that mean. Anyway...Since she has first moved in, I have started to accept it, and things are getting back to normal (whatever that means).
For my aunt, I am working a relatively basic afghan. It really isn't anything all that difficult...In fact, it is a very 'beginner' pattern. Still though, I personally think it is awesome. And, I hope she will like it. It is this rectangular granny square afghan. It is just one big rectangle, worked until it is big enough to suit your need. And, we all know that I have this fascination, with granny squares.
I began this afghan, that very first night she moved in. I just grabbed some yarn from my stash, and got crackin' at it. I had no idea what color tones she liked. So, I grabbed a yarn that incorporates EVERY color. It was time to pull out the Mexicana yarn. My initial idea, upon starting this afghan, was to work the center, in Mexicana. From there, I would use different yarns, from my stash, such as purples, blues, reds, yellows...Well, you get the idea.
That idea did not last long. Now, I have decided to work the entire afghan, in Mexicana yarn, with just the last round, worked in one bright solid.
Anyway, this was the project that I started my morning with. I got one round worked, before getting my second cup of coffee, and heading to the computer.
(Before we go any further here...As soon as I got to the computer, and started typing this out, my sweetie wakes up, and bee-lines to the office. And, it is time to OFFICIALLY start demanding the computer. Well, you know what, I am sorry. But, this really is one of those "I was here first" moments. I AM going to write my post. Then I am going to do my schoolwork. Then, when I am done...Well, my sweetie can visit Farmville.)
So, yesterday...
Well, as you all know, by yesterday's post, I started my third class as an Ashford student. I am so totally thrilled over this. Anyway, after doing the first discussion for my class, it was time for me to go get ready, for physical therapy.
My appointment went smoothly. I am happy to report that, unlike my last appointment, I did not fall once. YAY! Happy news there, right? The ball throwing was particularly hard yesterday, as I was asked to throw the ball, while standing in a few new positions. But, being able to successfully do this, without falling, made me feel pretty damned good about myself.
After my appointment was over, my mother took my by Target. Yesterday, while reading chapter one, of my text, I read about some of the benefits of keeping a journal. Now, I keep this blog, and that is great. But, in my opinion, a journal is entirely different. A journal is private thing. And, I decided that I wanted to keep one. So, I found myself a nifty little journal, and yesterday, I wrote my first post. I have decided to make it a sort of affirmation journal. Yesterday, while online, I printed out 16 affirmations, to start off with. I will work with each affirmation, for one week. We shall see how it goes.
Moving on...
Yesterday, after getting home, I was quite exhausted. So, it was nap time. When I woke up, tendonitis has taken complete control, of both of my hands. (I blame this entirely on catching a 15 pound medicine ball, over and over again.) Needless to say, it was another day, where I had to avoid yarn. And, I was NOT happy about it, at all. For the rest of the evening, I threw hissy fit, after hissy fit. "WHY THE HELL CAN'T I MANAGE TO WORK ON THAT DAMNED BLISS BABY BLANKET!!!
I kept hoping the pain would go away. It didn't. It was so bad, that I actually had to take pain pills, before going to bed.
Well, after finishing this post, I am going to do some more schoolwork (even though I am sure my sweetie will be standing behind me, huffing and puffing away.) Then, I will have myself the breakfast of champions: Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Yep!  Can we say YUMMMM! And then, I will start to play yarn catch up.
Oh God...I have a lot to do, today.
First, there is the Bliss Baby Blanket. This will the project that I work with, after breakfast, and will probably be the project that I work with, this evening. At this point, I am TERRIFIED, that I may not make my deadline. I have come too far, in this Project, to not make it. And yet, with 4 projects left, I am feeling the burn, in a MASSIVE way.
Then, to add even more of a challenge, I have afghans, that I have to have finished by Christmas. Oh! I really must be a complete masochist. Really. I mean, I have to enjoy the pain, of having so much to do. Because I always seem to want to add more, to my already SUPER BUSY schedule.
At some point today, I need to work on the Serape Afghan. This is not up for debate. If I keep putting this off, then it will not be done by Christmas.
Also, I need to try to get a few rows done on the Winter Jewels Afghan as well.
Then, at some point during the day, I need to do some reading from my text book.
Just thinking about all that I have to do today, is giving me a MASSIVE headache.
Well, that is it, then. I guess I should get going. Lord knows I have BUSY day ahead of me. I will be online later this afternoon, to read all the blogs, of my friends. (Sorry...I know I have been a bad blog buddy recently. Don't hate me.)
Until tomorrow, I wish you all...
Happy looming, and crocheting.

timespan, walking, 8 months, loom, part 2, journal, memoir, pattern, recovery, yarn, blanket, blog, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, 2 years, afghan, timeframe, anxious, writing, project, loom knit, 3 methods

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