Aug 05, 2011 09:00
This morning...
I was awake, at just before 6am. Once again, my dog decided to use me, as a trampoline. It was either wake up, and stop the little punk, from repeatedly bouncing on my chest, or die from cracked ribs. (I swear...He is small in stature, but my dog is a friggin bowling ball. I just don't understand how something so tiny, could weigh so FRIGGIN much!) I climbed out of bed, and saw my dog HIGH-TAILING it, from one end of the room, to the other. I swear, at some point last night, somebody came into my room, and gave my dog speed.
Thankfully, my mother was already up, and coffee was waiting. I grabbed myself a cup, and made my way to the blue recliner.
Instead of watching TV, I decided to pull the Winter Jewels Afghan out, from the TV cabinet. I fanned it out, across my lap, and I got to work. I worked two rows, of cherry red, before tucking it away again.
This particular afghan...Well...
I just love it. I know I have said this before, too many times to count. But, there it is, once again.
And, as I worked on it this morning, I thought about something.
I am not a patient person. I never really have been. When I start something, I typically want to finish, NOW! When I want something, I want it right away. And yet, here I am. The whole 2 year experience of The Yarn Project aside. I am making afghans. HUGE afghans. They are taking quite a bit of time to make. And yet, I am not experiencing the typical impatient 'I NEED IT FINISHED RIGHT NOW' moment. This morning, I examined this, a little bit. And, I think I have come up with why I can work afghans, when I have NO PATIENCE at all.
When I started the Winter Jewels Afghan (or the Birthday Blanket...Or all of the attempts, at my mother's Christmas Afghan), I noticed I was only impatient, for the five rows, or so. But then, the afghan starts to take shape. I start to get an idea, of how it is going to look, when it is finished. And, I get excited. And, with each row that I finish, I get one step closer, to the end. The excitement builds, and builds. It threatens to burst out of me. And, with so much excitement, there is no room left, to be impatient.
Does that make sense?
Let's talk about yesterday.
First, I would like to talk about physical therapy.
I got there, feeling pretty good about myself. I was completely steady, and feeling awesome.
That didn't last too long.
Lisa and I went to go throw a ball. And, all started off great. I was throwing, and catching, catching, and throwing. And, I was completely steady. Until I was asked to start throwing, and catching, overhead. Of course, by this time I am feeling all high and mighty. And, as is typical when I start to feel this way, the universe completely bitch slapped me.
The first attempt at catching the ball overhead, and I went down. It was the first time I fell, while at physical therapy. And, for whatever reason, it was more embarrassing, than any fall I had taken before.(And, I am including the fall at the mall, where the punk teen laughed at me, and called me horrible names.) There was no laughing this time, but ALL AT ONCE, everybody rushed over to me. I didn't even have a chance, to get up, on my own. Seven people huddled around me, and picked me up, off of the floor.
I swear, I felt like DYING! I instantly became a puddle of sweat, and felt like the biggest fool, in the world.
But, was one fall good enough? No way, Jose!
No more than 15 minutes later, I was climbing off of the bike. And, BOOM! Down I went again. WHAT THE HELL!!! Again, I was lifted off the ground, before I had a chance to pick myself up.
Why? Why was I falling NON-FRIGGIN-STOP, all of a sudden. It was like all the falls that I have avoided, were suddenly deciding to take over.
Then, there was a knowledge, that made the whole thing even worse. When someone falls during therapy, a paper must be written up, by everyone who witnessed it. Damn near every worker saw me, during both falls. The amount of paperwork that would need to be written, just because of me...Well, why not take all those words, and make a friggin novel.
Thankfully, the falls stopped. If I had fallen a third time, I really would have most likely DIED, from utter humiliation.
After physical therapy, I went to Michael's. My opinion...After the nightmare I had just endured, I NEEDED to get some yarn shopping done. Of course, I used an electric cart. (I was not even to attempt to walk, in the store. No way, no how.)
I picked up three skeins of yarn, yesterday. More hunter green, and white, for the Winter Jewels Afghan, and then a skein of aran, which I will incorporate, into my Mother's Christmas Afghan. (I am only using the chocolate brown, in a very small amount. And, without the aran, this particular afghan would have been WAY TOO PINK!!! I think the aran will be PERFECT. It will play into the afghan beautifully. And, the variegated yarn, from Aunt B's blanket, has a shade, similar to aran. So, all is good.
I worked on my Mother's Christmas Afghan, for a while. I currently have 16 rows finished. And, I have decided that, when I complete row 50, I will give the actual name, of the afghan. By then, I will have enough done, that I will feel comfortable sharing it, with you.
After working on this project for a bit, it was time for me to take a bath.
After the bath (which worked absolute wonders on my knees, which were both in major pain, after the tumbles), I put on PJ's and made my way to the blue recliner. I spent the rest of the evening working on the Bliss Baby Blanket, trying my very hardest, to convince myself that I was having a total blast. And, I must say...changing my attitude towards this blanket, has helped a little. It is still not a total joy, to work on. (In fact, this one small blanket makes the hell of working the giant granny square sampler, in part one of this Project, seem like no big deal.) But, at least I am able to tolerate this project. So, that is good!
And, that was my day, yesterday.
As for today...
I am going to spend my day completely indoors, and try to stay off of my feet. I will get a sufficient amount of yarn time, and will work of quite a few different things, throughout the day. I will work on the Bliss Baby Blanket, the shawl for my aunt, my Mother's Christmas Afghan, and probably the Winter Jewels, a little bit more.
But first, there is school.
After concluding this post, I will have a quick breakfast, then make my way back to the computer, and take out the rest of this week's schoolwork.
And that is it.
Until tomorrow,
Happy looming and crocheting.
8 months,
part 2,
2 years,
loom knit,
3 methods