The Blanket That Made Me

Jul 20, 2011 10:15

A few days ago, I was asked if I could post a picture, of the blanket I got, while in the hospital. And so, this morning, before coming to my blog, I decided to snap a picture of it. Here it is.
There it is, boys and girls. The blanket that, in great part, began my own fascination with yarn. And, since November 2009, this blanket has found a PERMANENT home, at the foot of my bed. It has, since I first got it, while in the hospital room, recovering from surgery, become this MAJOR thing, to me. It offered security, and peace, while I was recovering. Someone, somewhere, had made this blanket, with the hopes that it would make someone like me smile. This blanket offered comfort, when I desperately needed it. Funny as it may sound, I consider it a type of trophy...An object, that is linked to the surgery. To that day, when my life changed COMPLETELY.
I remember coming home, from my surgery. It was late November, 2009. A sunny day. I was so excited, to be leaving the hospital. I painfully got moved to the car, and even though it was hot, hot, hot, I threw the blanket over me, for the ride home.
For months, I was not able to put any pressure on my feet. And, for months, I was in constant pain. (The funny part is, looking back, I really cannot the pain, all that much. But, my family reminds me, that it was HORRIBLE!) Every single morning, I would be lifted out of bed, and moved to a chair, in the living room. And, every single morning, I would make sure that my blanket went with me, to that chair.
Fast forward. It was June 7, 2010. I had just pulled the blanket, out of the washing machine. And, for whatever reason, I knew. I wanted to work with yarn. I wanted to create things. I had actually had a desire, to work with yarn, for a while. (Ever since my hospital stay, actually.) But, that day, it became more than a want. It became a plan.
This one blanket, strange as it may sound, has COMPLETELY changed, everything about me. I can't help but wonder...Did the person who made this blanket, ever imagine that so much could come of it?
Other news...
Time. It is a strange thing, isn't it. It seems to go by incredibly fast, and yet, not move, at all. I have 2 more school assignments, due tomorrow. The week just began yesterday, and already, I am bogged down.
I can honestly say that I am very proud of myself, when it comes to the birthday blanket. I mean, with this particular project, I have planned my time very well.  I now have 50 inches done. It is so close, to being finished. And yet, it seems like it will never be done. But, one thing is sure. I have PLENTY of time to finish it, before I have to give it away.
On the note, of the birthday blanket...
My candy corn will be coming today. (Well, it is supposed to, anyway.) I just called up the post office. And, I was informed that it was on the truck. YAY! I can't wait. I am so FRIGGIN excited, about getting my yarn.
Yesterday, I did manage to get some work done, on the sock. Not too much. But, some. I did, however, work TWO rows, to the birthday blanket. YAY!
And, that is it. DAMNED writer's block. It has suddenly hit me, full force.
So this entry shall end.
Until tomorrow...
Happy looming, and crocheting.
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