One Step Closer

Jul 17, 2011 08:46

This morning, I did not want to get out of bed. And (of course), on the ONE day, that I really want to just sleep in, my sweetie wakes up super FRIGGIN early. And, the noise, and disturbances were NON-STOP! The bedroom door must have been opened and closed, no less than 20 times. A phone conversation, where my sweetie was basically SCREAMING into the phone, when I am just a matter of 2 feet away, trying my hardest to sleep, just a bit longer. Then, my sweetie (who I wanted to basically hit with a bat) sat at the edge of the bed, to get dressed. And, I swear, it was like the GOAL was to wake me up.  Then, just because enough hadn't already been done, another LOUD phone call.
Oh! I am so going to remember this.
I climbed out of bed, miserable and cranky. I made my way to the living room. Thank God, coffee had already been made! I climbed up, into the blue recliner. And, I enjoyed two cups of hot, caffeinated goodness, and allowed myself to embrace the day.
My sweetie pie is at the Moose. And, in just a few short hours, my mother and I will be going to the mall. (YAY! I get to shop for shoes!!!)
So, yesterday...
Well, after writing my post for the day, I had myself breakfast (just a bowl of bland cereal). I got myself dressed, and headed to the library, to do my last assignment, for week two.
Let me tell you about that FRIGGIN nightmare!
First off, the instructions for this particular assignment, are just HORRIBLY written out. I mean, they were just plain confusing. I read over them at least 13 times, and I STILL am not sure I did the assignment correctly. Well, here is to hoping. And, once again, the instructor for this particular class has proven that help is NOT an option. I asked for help, with this assignment. And, guess what? No big surprise. I got NOTHING! Sure, fellow students offered up help. But, I think that almost all of us, are equally confused. And, when the instructor has 'helped' other students, the only advice given is: Read the advice given, for the assignment. Everything you need to know is there. Well, I can honestly say that NOT EVERYTHING I NEED IS THERE! I have read, reread, and reread, again. And, still...I don't get it.
Well...What choice did I have? I went to the library, popped onto a computer, and did the assignment, the way that I THOUGHT it was supposed to be. (Here is to hoping that it will be good enough.)
I finished the assignment, with only about 4 minutes left, of computer time. I go to save it, and run into problem 2.
SHIT! I left my little mini-disk thingie, at home! I always make sure it is in my backpack. How could I have left it at home?
Just as I was about to break into a fit, and start crying, the lady at the neighboring computer offered me her disk. So, I was able to save my work, and send it off. Oh, thank God, for awesome people!
After leaving the library, my mom and I ran a few errands, and then, we returned home.
I had a quick lunch (nachos), and then, I got to work on the Handbag.
Now, I am sure I have written this before. If this is the case, then here I am, writing it again.
Is it just me, or does a PROJECT (no matter what it may be), seem to take FOREVER, when you are getting close to finishing it?
I had 8 rows left, and they were pure HELL! I swear, I thought I would NEVER be done, with them. I had to keep repeating the same 4 words ("It's gonna be beautiful!"), over and over again, just to get through the final rows.
But, at just past 4, I did get through the remaining rows. I bound off, using the basic method. I weaved in, all the loose ends, and then, I stitched up the sides.
Time for the Handbag to get friendly, with the washing machine.
I grabbed some shampoo (as the book says to), and a pair of beat up denim shorts (used only for gardening), to act as an agitator. I popped the Handbag (which at the time was so loose knit, that it resembled a net), in a zippered pillowcase, bought at a thrift store, then, I was ready to go.
"Here we go!" I started the washing machine, and I prayed that everything would turn out ok. If you will remember, I chose to felt the Yoga Mat Bag, by hand, in the sink. This whole 'felting by the washing machine' was a brand new thing, for me. And, even though the book ASSURED me that it would work out, I had my doubts.
Doubts which, as it turns out, were foolish.
The Felted Handbag came out of the washing machine, looking TOTALLY friggin awesome!
I let it sit, for about 2 hours. As it set, drying, I made the I-Cord handles. Two 20" cords. I felted these handles, in the sink, which took all of a minute, at most. Then, with my handy-dandy tunisian crochet hook, I poked holes through the bag, and drew the handles through.
At the top of page 126, we are given a little 4 sentence summary, about felting. The last sentence reads: 'Enjoy the adventure!' Well, it certainly was an adventure.
I looked at the project, sitting there on the counter, and I squealed in ABSOLUTE delight! I clapped my hands together. Another project was done!
I took it out, to the front porch, where my mother was sitting. (I figured that, since I am making her and my baby an afghan for Christmas, they don't have to wait for these goodies!)
"Tah-Dah!" I said, handing my mother the Handbag.
"Oh, WOW!" She examined every square inch, of the bag. "This is gorgeous, Michael! This is really, REALLY good!"
'I know!' Of course, I did not say this. I am not that arrogant. But, I certainly thought it.  This Felted Handbag is, in my opinion, a FRIGGIN Masterpiece.
But, enough rambling. I am sure you all want a little peak at it, right?
Well, here you go!
After giving this project to my mother (who, by the way, is still giddy about it, this morning), I went to take a victory bath.
After the bath, I worked a row, on the birthday blanket. I was done, by just after 9pm.
And, I allowed myself a break. I watched TV, for a few hours. Then, bed.
As for today...
Well, I was extremely pleased to go to the profile, for my blog, and mark another project as DONE! This just made my morning.
As I said, in a few hours, I will head to the mall for a bit.
When I get home, I will start work on the Mystery Goodie, which I will be giving away, to one lucky reader, come the end of the loom knitting part, of my Project. There is only one thing about this project, that I will say.
As I have a barely used ball, of gray wool, left over from the Felted Handbag, I will be creating this project with it. In my opinion, this project shouldn't take too incredibly long. Which is good, because I am running out of time.
Well, that is it, for today. Time for me to go get ready, for a fun shopping experience.
Until tomorrow,
Happy looming, and crocheting.

Oh yeah! One last thing. IT HAS BEEN FOR-FRIGGIN-EVER, SINCE I HAVE FALLEN DOWN! (I hope I did not just jinx myself.)

purse, timespan, felted, walking, felt, 8 months, loom, part 2, handbag, pattern, recovery, yarn, blog, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, 2 years, memoire, afghan, timeframe, project, loom knit, deadline, 3 methods, felting

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