The Plan For July

Jul 15, 2011 10:12

I woke up this morning, super excited. I rushed to the kitchen, and brewed a pot of coffee. Then, as I sat on the blue recliner, I delighted in the fact that today, is going to be AWESOME!
I get to see Harry Potter today! I am totally stoked, over this. Part of me really wanted to go see the midnight show. And yet, I am kind of happy, that I didn't. The last time I did the midnight showing, it was SO FRIGGIN LOUD. People were screaming, throughout the entire movie. The audience was so out of control, that, at times, I could barely hear the movie, over all the roar. That was two movies ago. I can only imagine the midnight showing of this one, was way worse. After all, it is the last movie.
Besides, at 10pm, I was exhausted. I seriously doubt, that I would have been able to stay  awake. No matter how great the movie is (and I KNOW it is going to be awesome), physical therapy had completely WIPED me out! Even if I was able to stay awake, I have to wonder if I would have really been able to enjoy the movie.
Would it have been nice, to see the midnight show? Sure! But, not doing so, isn't the end of the world.
I get to see it today.  At 3:50, I will be in a theater, completely enjoying this movie. And, afterwards, I will go to a restaurant, where I will get to enjoy dinner. It is going to be completely friggin awesome!!!
Go figure. As soon as I am done, writing my half-ass post, my brother decides to leave. He had talked, and shouted, the whole time I was writing. But, as soon as I am done, it is time for him to go. I can say this. He stayed for two days, and they were completely awesome. I get along with my brother, so well. (I just wish he could learn to quiet down some, when I am writing.) We had a total blast. I don't know when I will get to see him again. But, I do know that I will have a great time then, as well. I will just have to make sure to purchase some ear plugs.
So, my therapy appointment was at 1:30. I hate the fact that each of my appointments, are in the FRIGGIN middle of the day. Doing all that hard exercise, in the middle of a hot Summer day...Not fun!
Before leaving the house, I worked 5 rows, to the last side, of the Felted Handbag. And, as I was working on it, I could not help but think: Even though I absolutely LOATHE loom knitting, this bag is going to look so FRIGGIN rad, when I am done! (I am currently debating if I want to crochet a single purple flower, to felt, and put on it. We shall see.)
Side note, here: For whatever reason, the yarn I am using for this handbag, completely SUCKS! It is Patons Roving, which is the same yarn I used to make the Yoga Mat Bag. And, while making the Yoga Mat Bag, I experienced the same problem. But, it was not NEARLY as constant. The friggin yarn keeps splitting. The wool will just pull apart. Yesterday, in one single row, this happened three times. Now, I can understand it, happening a few times. But, at a certain point, it just becomes plain RIDICULOUS! Yesterday, it reached that point. After working the 5 rows, and experiencing no less than 8 splits, I was thrown into yet another cursing fit.
"I just can't  EFFING do this, right now!" (Needless to say, 'effing' is a kind alternative, to the actual word used.) I threw the loom down, to the side of the blue recliner, and let out an annoyed sound. (Not a word, but not loud enough to be a scream. If I remember correctly, it sounded something like: Grrachmothi. It actually sounded a bit, like an angry sneeze! I am actually starting to think that it is possible, that I have created a brand new curse word.) I chucked the book to the ground, and got myself ready for physical therapy.
With me, I took the birthday blanket.
I arrived 20 minutes early. I thought that, as I signed in, I would have a good amount of time, to work away. I sat down, feeling quite pleased that Little Miss Glares A Lot, was not there. I pulled out the afghan, and my hook.
And, I did not even have time to do a single stitch.
"Oh, how beautiful." She was sitting at the other side, of the rather large lobby. And, she boomed these words out, at such a loud volume, that everyone turned to see what was so beautiful.
She walked over to me, and went on a rant. It was like the vocal flood gate had opened. Word, after word, after word. Granted, they were all kind words. So, I couldn't possibly be that upset. But, with all the talking, I could not focus. I could not crochet. And, even though she was complimenting me, and I was very grateful, part of me wanted to put my finger to my lips, and whisper out; "shhhhh!" I mean, I just wanted to work with my yarn. Sure, compliments are awesome. But, when I bring a project with me, I do so, because I have the desire to work on it.
I got called back. No work had been accomplished. (And, I must admit, I do feel like an ass. I mean, she was so nice. But, for the love of God, let me just work.)
Physical therapy. What can I say about my appointment, yesterday?
Well...It completely WORE me out. Lisa performed 10 new stretches with me, which included my back. The back stretches were extremely difficult, and painful.
After my time with Lisa, I made my way to the gym. I did about 8 different things. And then, I had to walk 20 laps, around the gym.
I left my appointment, wanting only one thing-my pillow.
I got home, and I took a nap.
After nap time was done, I worked the row, on the birthday blanket.
Then, it was bath time. Wonderful bath time. Let me tell you...Hot water, covering aching muscles. There really is NOTHING better.
 After the bath, I popped on to the computer.
And, I was in for a rather AWESOME surprise.
My interview is FINALLY posted! How FRIGGIN cool, is that. I feel all important now! As I read it, I could not help but think: I just cant believe someone wanted to interview me. Even as I read it, I was in complete disbelief. It just seems so surreal, to me.
Anyway, here it is. Here is the link, to the interview. I hope you guys will go, and read it.

After seeing this, I was on cloud friggin 9. I felt inspired, to go work with yarn. So, that is what I did.
Back to the Felted Handbag. Back to the horrible yarn, which separates, almost every friggin 10 inches.
I worked another 17 rows last night, bringing me to row 22.  And, in those 17 rows, the yarn split, quite a bit. But, unlike earlier in the day, I did not get mad, over it. The high, from the interview, had made everything ok. I would just connect the yarn, back together, then merrily whistle, as I worked away.
After reaching row 22, tendonitis decided to swing by, for a visit. So, I had to stop. I watched about an hour of TV, then called it an evening.
This morning, as I thought about how cool today is going to be, I decided to come up, with a plan, for July. It is crucial, to start organizing all of the projects, that still need to be done. I am in crunch-time now.
So, here is the plan.
Including today, there are 17 days left, in the month of July.
I plan to wipe out (at least) three projects.
I plan to finish the Felted Handbag. (My ideal goal would be to finish the second side today. However, I am just not sure that will happen, with the other big plans, for today. So, if I do not finish the second side today, I will have it done, tomorrow.)
I plan on working another pair of socks. Hopefully this time, I can get  socks, that will actually work. After my last attempt, I am a little nervous. And, I plan on working the mystery gift, that I will be giving away, come the end, of the loom knitting section, of The Yarn Project.
If I have time, I would like the take out the other pair of socks. But, we shall see.
So, by completing a pair of socks, the handbag, and the mystery gift, I still have: One more pair of socks, The Bliss Baby Blanket (which is a BEAST), The Felted Laptop Cozy (which I think will be a bit of a challenge), and the pattern, you will choose for me. (Start sending in those patterns. And please, be nice!) That is 4 projects. And, I have until October 8. I am feeling the pressure! And, I still have school, physical therapy, and a whole bunch of walking, that I also have on my plate!
I will be working on the handbag, for as long as I possibly can. I will still find time, to work a row, on the birthday blanket. And, that is about it.
Until tomorrow...
Happy looming, and crocheting!

timespan, walking, 8 months, loom, part 2, surgery, memoir, pattern, recovery, yarn, blog, book, timeline, workbook, yarnie, crochet, 2 years, interview, timeframe, project, loom knit, deadline, 3 methods

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