So Little (Yarn) Time

Jul 12, 2011 10:18

I swear...
It is like the Yarn Gods have decided to screw around, with me. It is like the COSMOS have looked at me, and decided that I need a bit more stress. Loom knitting! I am beyond intimidated, at this point. I am TERRIFIED. I am beginning to doubt, if I will be able to make my deadline. And, that is scaring the living CRAP, right out of me.
The funny part...
When I first started The Yarn Project, I thought that loom knitting would be easy. I thought it would be quick, to pop out project, while using looms. Back in February, when I first started part 2, of my Project, even my neighbor told me that I would 'just rush through the loom knitting projects.' And, things started off great. After I got the hang of holding on to looms, I was popping out projects, at a comfortable pace. 
Then, looms became boring. And, when this happened, the speed, of completing loom knitted projects, went away. At this point, I really have NO interest, in loom knitting, at all. And, we all know how, when you lose interest in something, it seems to take forever.
But, things get worse.
It seems like no matter what, there is something CONSTANTLY going on, that keeps me from working with yarn.
Yesterday, as I wrote my post, I knew that my daily yarn time, would be minimal. But, I had hoped to get a bit more accomplished.
My brother came by, for the day. And, while it is ALWAYS awesome, to see him, I will admit that it cuts down the yarn time, in a BIG way.
So...What did I accomplish yesterday?
I managed to work one row, to the birthday blanket. And, even that was a challenge. It took twice as long, as it normally does. And, the whole time I was working on it, I felt awful, because I knew that I should be spending the time, with my family. I should be talking it up, and kicking back beers. Not parked on the blue recliner, working a row on an afghan.
Physical therapy, at 1:30. While at therapy, I plan to report the happy news, of walking, in the pool, with minimal falling.
After therapy, I will make a quick trip, to Michael's. I need to get some more black yarn, for the birthday blanket.
I have decided to, for now, put the Cross Stitch & Picot, and The Winter Jewels, out of sight, and out of mind. I will still work daily, on the birthday blanket. And, when not working on this, I will devote my yarn time to loom knitting.
Speaking of loom knitting...
I am off, to get some loom time in.
Happy looming, and crocheting.
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