This is Ridiculous

Jan 11, 2008 13:55

So I called my doctor today to ask for a referral for someone who treats PPD. It turns out that she does. Great, right? Unfortunately, the earliest appointment I could get was February 14, 5 weeks from now.

Honestly, I'm not ready to kill myself just yet but if I have to go 5 weeks untreated I might be.

The nurse who made the appointment tells me that people cancel all the time and something might open up sooner. I really hope that's the case. In the meantime, I guess I'll try the natural remedies that annoyingly smug poster over on recommended: fish oil, exercise, socializing and sleep.

  • Fish Oil: There's a GNC at Aiken Mall. Trey's due home early today and he loves to run errands (he truly does, I think it's weird), so I'll send him out to buy me some.
  • Exercise: I joined a gym back in November, but I only make it there 2-3 days out of the week. Time to toss in the "beginning bellydancing" DVD for some quick afternoon cardio.
  • Socializing: A new friend invited Trey, Bobby and me to come over for cocktails this evening. Should be fun. Plus, there's always the Friday morning coffee group to look forward to.
  • Sleep: Ha!

And if those don't work, I have 17 100mg Zoloft left. No refills, but that's still 38 days worth of relief, more than enough to get me to Valentine's Day if things get out of hand.
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