Oct 06, 2008 20:55
i got the assistant archivist job in the library!!!
i am helping archive some 40 boxes of documents from a woman who was like a state representative in the 70's. i get paid $12.42 an hour, with a guarantee of at least 10-12 hours a week. and the job lasts until the end of june.
now i can quit the crap lousy touring job. now i don't feel forced to coordinate a million groups to make enough money to pay rent.
i never thought that financial security could be so exciting.
in other news....
i think i am going to vashon island this weekend with zac, which should be hella bunches of fun. we've sort of become inseperable as of late, which is awesome. he's thinking of coming to minnesota for winter break with me, so he can do all sorts of real winter stuff and we can hang out and go to the cabin and such. and he really wants to meet my mom, which is hilarious.
in other other news......
i am still not ready to be back in school. i hate reading because i have to. and writing papers. and getting up early to go to class. it sucks. i just want to have summer vacation forever. FOREVER.
in other other other news......
my nose seems to be doing much better. i can even touch it now. i just can't sneeze. then i start crying.