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Feb 28, 2008 18:16

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you know, im not going to insult tina fey the way she basically insulted anybody that was still mulling over whether to support clinton or obama (as i still am). but for the record, her "reasons" as to why i, as a woman, am not in clinton's camp (simply because i should be because OMGZ she has a vagina and i do too) are ridiculous. no, tina, its not because i'm fearful of "a bitch" or "powerful woman" and i dont really care that her potential presidency comes with a bill clinton. to break down the clinton vs. obama issues to such sophomoric and un-funny ideas is to undermine the real differences between these two candidates.

its about her terrible campaign. its about her sense of entitlement in getting the nomination and now having to actually...youknow, campaign in a way that she wasnt expecting. its about her complaining about "getting the first question" and trying to rake obama over the nuanced proverbial coals over "reject" and "denounce". this wasnt her being "bitchy", this was her floundering on national and cable tv trying to score a dirty, dirty point but ending up looking like a fool.

frankly, if this is the kind of campaign clinton runs and if this is how she works under pressure, i wonder how she would stand in a presidential campaign. could she?

i dont have an idealistic view of obama either- i prefer clinton's health care plan. but frankly, its a far cry from her much better plan as a first lady (prior to her accepting money from the health care companies) AND in order to get that plan accomplished, she needs to work WITH people- she rubs me, a potential supporter (and supporter should she get the nomination) the wrong way.

plus, can i ever really trust a former board member of wal-mart? the clinton years, for all their "good" werent years of true progressive policies- nafta, dont ask, dont tell- not to mention they were mired in non-transparency and bogged in republican 'investigations". but where are clinton's tax returns? why has obama turned his over and clinton, after much asking, still has yet to do so?

i want to support clinton, i really do- but clinton is giving me so many reasons not to- least of all though, tina, because she's a bitch. thank you though for your overwhelmingly simplistic breakdown of the candidates- you can go back to penning 'mean girls II now'.

actually, the real reason i am going to vote 'obama' on march 4 is because i, like millions of other women, are under oprah's magical spell. whatever our black massiah wants, she gets.
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