Oct 27, 2004 16:15
long time no update
Anyway tis the holidays. and they have to be one of the best holidays ive had in the year i must say. not counting summer. which was lov-er-lee (everyone seems to have picked that up from chalrotte <33) anyway on the friday which was a training day - lucky for us. jake und me went to swimming and did 40 lengths go me. but then ate greggs sandwiches and got fat arrrfter. we then went to town and bought clothe-age baby! woo. strippy things. we met rob, who was rather pooey as he hated a sharks tale. and "them lot" came round and pranked phoned people. i was a meere stander bye. i promise. ithen kicked them out.
on saturday i went to see daniel. after TESCO with my dad. that shop is the shiznit(leanne knows it) as it was gonna be a sunny nice day. it wasnt. it was freeezing. and he told me to walk away if i couldnt tell him what i wanted to. i did. and he didnt let me. oh how wanted i feel. i went home and went to see steph. rekindling more of our burnt out flame of friendship mwah-ah.
on sunday i slept in and was a lazy ass mo-fo{DUH im too cool} i got slowely ready to go up to charlottes where hayley was meant to accompany us to meet jo and bubbles, then to jo;s well. buTT hayleys freeeeeedom was restriced and it was just me and charlotte. i got accessorized at spinks and we got the scall-fied bUS to meet jo and alice .loveaage. they were so happily out of it. lots of uber-hoTT guys. who were all gorgeous, and pleasant and everyone was really nice tome. so much nicer people then scalls *shudder* we danced and giggled. and i chatted to people. we then departed to carpe diem. saw ant und pean. hehehe who rambled on about saw...was sweet and chatted to them. we then got the bus home. got soaked. got attacked by sum drunk;homeless guy= felt sorry for him but he scared the shi-att outta me. charlottes dad took me home. a really lovely night. yes lovely.
on monday i went to see alastair. we were SUPPOSED to be doing pre-!£^testing. and failed. adam was there and we watched a bugs life. cos its such a kiddyfied and be-a-u-ti-ful.film. then lots of singing. feebi and elli were there and made it all awkward by there stalkingness. dur-brains ..im so primary school. walked home and visited a ill steph. tried to get her germs ahahah she sounded really sexay with her sorethroat and whatnot. hubbahuba ^%^&%$$(()
yesterday i went back to alaistars after failing to_play_tennis in the pouring raine. rain has no e does it. i played rather well and katie and hayley came and watched. i was rather proud, although when he tested me i got all shy and couldnt do anything. booo0-gar. we went back to his where i felt very ill and so he gave me a softsoft blanket and his duuuuuuvet and we wacted swat. whilst i was all snuggled up =) dan came round and took me home. after like 15MINUTES people barged into my house and annoyed me. i cooked them pizza.(always the hostess). and laughed a lot. had a soap fight with dan0ie0el which was tres fun. and everyone was all giggly. what-a-night. until everyone left.
as for today i have done all my audit for pe, and a fair bitta the plan. im so proud. thankyou charlotte for being proud too :) anyway i get to go out with STEPH today she promised. boi-o-boi im content.