May 27, 2003 17:11
i need a.....
cell phone
new clothes
my hair back
cooler roomates
a new belt
new shoes
a life...
i'll think of more things in a minute. i know that i need alot of things, but it takes time to get them.
i finally gave my dog a bath today. she was starting to smell like hot dogs. i dont know why either. but it was a bitch trying to get her in that bath tub.....especially when the dog is bigger than i am. i hate labs, but i love my dog.
there is a guy behind me that reaks of dust. he smells like dirt forreal. i didnt think anyone could smell like dirt....o well.
i need to go see poison the well like right now. its been way too long since i have seen them play. and i had to drive to jacksonville for that. i just really wanna see them again though. it would ease all the stress that i have.
well i am done typing for now. i will talk to you guys later on.