I'm still really upset about mine and my girlfriends break up. She comes home for a bit in may and Im hoping we can get back together but, I know I probably shouldnt hold my breathe on it because she hasnt spoken to me since the day she dumped me. So, I know I should get over her. But I dont want to get over her. I really dont. How are you supossed to get over someone you dont want to get over but you know you need to get over? I honestly dont think you can. I really dont. And my best friend has been talking to me like seriously talking to me and he's the only guy I would ever date. But I dont want to be with a guy. I legitimetly want to be with a girl. I'm just so picky about them it makes things hard. So, Im not exactly sure what Im going to do. And I know I seem like I focused on finding a new relationship right? Well, Im not. Im focused on trying to get over my ex. Ive decided Im not going to date anyone until I graduate. Unless just some amazing girl comes along. But, again with my being so picky about girls I dont think that will happen. Then again you never know. I was at a protest yesterday and met a really awesome girl named Megan. We went and saw Star Wars in 3D today. She's bi. But I dont want to date a bi girl. Plus, I dont like to be the dominate one in the relationship for some reason. I know Im weird.
I went to a protest the other day. Two guys from my high school are going up against the super entendent of our school board because he has this plan to make the schools here better. But his plan is so stupid and full of holes and will only make them worse. He wants to take out all discipline, and I should add a special needs girl just got raped at one of the high schools here and he's wanting to do this. The police dropped the charges on that too. Which is even more stupid. He's wanting to start 4th grade as middle school and 8th grade as high school. They did this once before and saw it did not work. So why does he think this will work now? He also wants to close 12 schools meaning 300 teachers lose their jobs. And then theres the lunch ladies, office workers, janitors etc. Schools here are already crowded enough. Doing this would make them so over crowded its not even funny. He also wants to add on two hours of school. Kids can barely focus with the 8 hours we have now. Muchless will they be able to focus for 10 hours. He wants us to learn Mandrian Chinese for some reason. Most kids here cant even speak English right. He also wants to force people to take AP classes. You should be able to chose the classes you want to take. And forcing someone to take an AP class isnt going to do anything but make things worse cause the kids already dont want to be in school. Muchless an AP class. And lastly he wants to give you an A for effort so we will have a 100% graduation rate. You should graduate because youre ready to go to college not because the state needs the percentage higher.