Title: Forbidden Enchantress
thexpoisonBeta Reader: my friend Tony
Pairing: Hermonie/Ginny
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "This can not end well."
Warning: Cursing
Disclaimer: To be honest with you, I'm a liar
Chapter 3: Defense Against Homophobics?
P.O.V: Ginny
Walking into the same old Potions classroom makes me feel so at home. Granted I hate Professor Snape, it's still a Hogwarts classroom none the less. "Sit." Professor Snape commands as he enters the classroom. "Pay attention to this. We don't need any explosions occurring on the first day. Today's potion is Polyjuice Potion. Can anyone tell me what this potion does?" Hermonie; of course, is the first to raise her hand. Snape overlooks it. "Hmph, no one. Figured as much. Polyjuice Potion allo-"
"Professor Snape, I did have my hand raised. Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to temporarily transform into another. And I do not-"
"Excuse me Miss Granger it appears as over the holidays you have forgot how to keep quite. Ten points taken from Gryffindor. Now, as I was saying. This potion allows you to temporarily transform into another. Now, partner up and start this potion. Page 394 in your book." Hermonie and I immediately partner up.
"Better watch out Wesley you might catch Hermonie's gayness." Draco taunts. I scowl. "Excuse me Draco, but being gay isn't contagious unlike being ignorant. Seems you've got that one down pat though." Hermonie taunts back. The Gryffindor's in the room break out into laughter, the Slytherin's in the room don't find it as funny. She's flashes me a quick smile.
We both reach for the Boomslang Skin at the same time and our hands touch. I quickly pull mine away, knocking the bottle over. "Crap." I whisper under my breath. Hermonie places an arm around my waist and pulls me a bit closer. "Calm down love." She whispers. "It's okay. Trust me." I get another one of her beautiful smiles. She releases me before too many students notice she is inching closer to my face.
Hermonie and I have Defense Against The Dark Arts next. "Let's go over defensive spells. Who can tell me some?" He looks around the room. "Granger. Arm yourself." She pulls her wand out. "Expelliarmus!" Her wand is sent flying in the air. "There is one. Potter. Stand." Harry cautiously stands. "Stupefy!" Harry is pushed back into his seat. "That can be used as defensive and offensive. There's one more. Anyone know?" Again, blank stares from the class. "Longbottom. Stand." Just as Harry did, he cautiously stands. "Petrificus Totalus!" Instantly he is petrified and falls to the ground. "There is the last that we will cover today. Partner up and practice those."
"Hermonie, are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." Hermonie wants me to practice the spells first. "You won't I promise." I bite my lip. "Okay. Stupefy!" I nervously conjure. She's sent flying back but not in a good way. "Hermonie!" I run to her side. "Are you okay?" She nods. "More confidence honey." She smiles again. "Cast with more confidence and it'll work right. I promise." I unknowingly lean in. Inching closer and closer to her perfect lips. With our lips millimeters away she turns her head. "Oops, my bad." I help her back to her feet.
"Okay class. Lets do some dueling now. Granger. Malfoy. You're up" Draco has an evil smile plastered on his face and my heart sinks. He's always hated Hermonie. This can not end well. "Wands at the ready." Both place there wands at ready position. Professor Moody starts the count down. "3...2...1. Duel!"
"Flipendo!" A blue line flies from Hermonies wand and sends Draco backwards. She eggs him on. Dusting himself off he gets back up. "Aguamenti!" A gush of water comes from the end of his wand and Hermonie is sent flying back into the wall. I close my eyes.
"Really Draco? That's all you got?" She continues to taunt. "Not at all. Serpensortia!" A snake flys into the middle of the dueling ground. Hermonie steps back a bit. I know she has a spell for this. She's too smart not to. She smiles. "Confringo!" The snake explodes. "Expelliarmus!" Malfoy is now disarmed and Hermonie wins the duel. Cheers come from the Gryffindors. She runs and gives me a hug. When Malfoy regains his wand a sound scream of agony is heard throughout the room.
A/N: I know, I know, this chapter is extremely short. And I put in a major cliff hanger hehe you guys are gonna hate me for that, but I wanted to give you something to look forward to. Sorry, if you notice my fiction take a dark turn. I've just been through a breakup as you guys have seen. So my mood is completely different. But the whole thing will not stay dark. I do have a happy ending for this....I think. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! If anyone has anything they would like to see in this fiction send me a message! Fyi, I've never done a sex chapter so don't push me to that yet. Let me do it when I think I'm ready to write one.