So it's been a while since an actual post. On Monday I met up with Millissa which was more than gorgeous. We went to Woodfield and words were shared, hands were held, steps were walked, breaths were breathed, this gay pattern of verbs stopped. She stopped by last night to drop off Tom's phone and gameboy becauseh e left it in the hotel room. She also got me this awesome scarf. I feel obligated to write a song everytime I put it on.
Today I got to school not in the best of moods with it being about 6:30 and all. I forgot my dress shoes at school and since today, two members of the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra were giving the Honors Jazz Band, we had to be in Concert Uniform... which doesn't include Blue and Orange PUMA's. I didn't get caught, either, which was pretty cool. You have to understand that at St. Pats, the dress code is a collared shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. 1st period - I have this insanely anal rententive teacher for who's class I must have a specific type of ink, paper, and binder. He even gave us the model numbers of all these things in the fall so we could pick them up. HE didn't even catch me.
I'm fucking smooth.
So after 4th period I went to the band room after getting something to eat so I could just wait for the clinic to start. I waited and One of the kids broke a picture frame which was funny shit. That was probably the highlight of my day. The clinic started and it was a trumpet player who was fucking amazing and a really cool guy, too - and a sax player who was fat, scottish, and a downright dick. He said all good music died with Coltrane. "Jazz is the only good music... new musicians aren't as good, or ever will be as good as the old jazz musicians." I countered the statement with the fact that you don't have to be a really good player to be a great writer and it's all just a thing of preference. That shut his fat, Kilt-Ass up.
I don't know why... but I haven't been able to call myself content in a while. There's always something in the way of me being happy. It's not that I have alot of bad shit going on - but nothing has really happened to make me happy, I know Steve said that a while ago in a post and here are your credits
aquasynth but that's how I feel. Granted seeing Millissa was great... that was for such a short time, though. I want something that I can trust it will be there for a while. I can't even depend on these Quiznos Cupons which expire next week. *mental note to write song about toasted subs*