(no subject)

Oct 29, 2004 11:38

I am a little bit curious. Now if we were all old enough to vote who would we vote for? I want to know why you want to vote for that particular canidate also. And if you plan to vote for Kerry I don't want to hear you're voting for him because Bush took us to war because that is the stupidest fucking excuse I have ever heard. Now, if I was old enough to vote I would vote for George W. Bush. My reasoning for that would be because Kerry flip-flops more than a fish. He wants partial-birth abortion which is the most disguisting thing I have ever heard of. Also, he thinks the government should have to pay for abortions. For the ones the people can't pay for. I personally think that if someone got pregant they should tell there parents or have the person that got them pregant go 50-50 on it with them. If they choose not to they will have fun paying for child support. Also they should've thought of that before they had sex with the girl. Now if it is the case that you are raped your parents should help you pay for that and if they don;t they are fucked up people. Now I don't believe Kerry supports the troops at all. He complains that the troops are knowledgable and that they don't have the best. He is going to get the troops outa there in 6 months after his "plan". He also wants to train more troops. My step-brother is in the reserve. He signed up for it and it should be his dutie if he signed up for it but me and him are acculy starting to get along. We are learning so much about each other and if Kerry becomes president and starts his little draft I won't have a step-brother. It hurts a lot to know that. Oh and Kerry's "plan" what the hell is up with that. I want to know what his plan is. He has never stated it he just raves on about it. Another thing President Bush has done a lot for the Clean Air Act. Kerry stating that the President doesn't is the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard. My father has a lot of the work he does because of the Presidents clean Air Act. Kerry lies to the American people to get votes. He has been spending a lot of time in Wisconsin trying to win there votes. I don't think it is going to happen. Well I want to know all your peoples opinon. Please comment back and tell me. Thanks I love you guys!

You preferred Bush's statements 67% of the time
You preferred Kerry's statements 33% of the time

Voting purely on the issues you should vote Bush

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